
对于四月三十日有人在B站直播间疯狂刷小电视的行为,可以从以下几个方面进行看待: 直播间氛围:从用户的角度来看,疯狂刷小电视可能是出于对直播间氛围的热爱和投入。在一个氛围良好、和谐的直播间里,观众可能会通过刷礼物、弹幕等方式来表达对主播的喜爱和支持。 主播与观众互动:对于主播来说,观众的参与和互动是直播的重要组成部分。观众的刷礼物行为,包括刷小电
IV. NONELECTROMAGNETIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO SERS As successful as the em theory has been, there exists a number of observations that do not seem to be easily explicable in terms of it, which include, for example, the following. (1) The molecules CO and N2, whose Raman cross sections are almost identical, produce SERS spectra of rather different intensities (Moskovits and DiLella, 1982b).When coadsorbed in equal numbers onto cold-condensed silver films, CO produces a broad Raman peak shifted by some 28 cm- from that of unbonded CO, while N2 pro-duces a narrow Raman peak, shifted by only 2 cm-',whose intensity is about fifty times lower than that of CO. Suggestions that CO perhaps displaces N2 from the surface were countered with experiments in which N2 and CO were adsorbed independently with results similar to those in the coadsorption experiments. Likewise, postulating different surface bonding orientations for CO and N2, the former being "end-on" bonded, while the latter is sidewise bonded, cannot account for the full fiftyfold discrepancy. On the basis of the Raman depolarization ratios of the two molecules, at most a factor of 10 may be obtained for the ratio of the Raman intensities resulting from the adoption of the two orientations. Molecules such as methane and ethane produce SERS spectra some one-hundred-fold less intense than do ethylene or benzene, even though the ordinary Raman spectra of all of these molecules contain bands of equivalent strength. (2) In its simplest forms the em theory predicted that the SERS spectrum of a molecule should be a uniformly enhanced version of the ordinary Raman spectrum (McCall et al., 1980). Observations show this not to be true. This discrepancy is dramatically shown in the SERS spectrum of C6F6 (Fig. 24), which shows the C-F symmetric "breathing" vibration to be the dominant feature, while the same vibration is among the weakest in the ordinary Raman spectrum of the same molecule. Moreover, the SERS spectrum of many molecules (Erdheim et al., 1980; Dornhaus et al., 1980; Moskovits and DiLella, 1980,1982a,1982b) displays normally forbid-den features, often with intensities comparable to the most intense of the allowed transitions. (3)In SERS studies involving roughened electrodes immersed in aqueous electrolytes or aqueous metal colloids one does not observe a strong SERS spectrum of water, which presumably surrounds the SERS-active features in abundance. (4) It has also been observed that the SERS excitation spectrum obtained from aqueous colloidal silver does not correspond well with the absorption spectrum of the same colloid (Creighton et al., 1979; Mabuchi et al., 1982; Sii-man et al., 1983). The latter usually consists of a strong peak at about 390 nm with weaker features to the red of this. The 390-nm peak is associated with spherical colloidal particles, while the red peak or peaks are commonly believed to come about from aggregated colloid whose optical properties were discussed either in terms of ellipsoidal particles or by considering coupling between two or among several spheres. Although it is clear from the work of Aravind et al. (1981) that dipolar coupling is in-sufficient to account for the electrostatic fields about spheres spaced so closely together, dipolar coupling, often couched in the language of effective medium theories such as the Maxwell-Garnett theory does produce a red-shift plasmon peak whose exact position depends on the density of (hence average distance between) the colloidal spheres. 请翻译这段英文
IV. 非电磁贡献对SERS的影响 尽管电磁理论取得了成功,但仍存在一些观察结果似乎无法轻易通过电磁理论解释,例如: CO和N2分子的拉曼散射截面几乎相同,但它们产生的SERS光谱强度却大不相同(Moskovits和DiLella, 1982b)。当以相等数量共吸附在冷凝银膜上时,CO产生了一个宽的拉曼峰,偏移了约28 cm-1,而N2产生了一个窄的
股票神奇通常指的是股市中的一些特殊现象或策略,如“神奇九转”和“神奇的2点半”。 📈神奇九转 定义**:九转指标,又称神奇九转,是一种技术分析工具,用于预测股价走势的拐点。 应用**:通过同花顺i问财大数据回测,九转指标在个股逃顶和抄底的成功率为68.6%。 🕒神奇的2点半 现象**:股市中14:30分被称为“
碎片化传播通过微内容的形式,将中国传统文化的宏大、整体、系统性内容进行碎片化处理,以适应微空间的内容生产、传播习惯和读者的阅读习惯。这种现象导致传统文化在传播过程中不可避免地面临碎片化,弱化了其整体性与严肃性。数字技术重新定义了文化传播的时间效能,使文化传播的时效具备了即时性、碎片性和恒定性,进一步加剧了传统文化的碎片化传播。 在数字时代,高度信息碎片化和
空巢青年是指在大城市独自生活的年轻人,他们通常独居,面临孤独和社交网络狭窄的问题。 🏙️ 定义与现状 定义:空巢青年是那些在大城市奋斗打拼,选择独居生活的年轻人。 数量:据估计,中国的空巢青年超过5800万。 🌀 形成原因 主动选择:许多空巢青年是出于对自由和个人空间的追求而选择独居。 被动形成:部分空
“资源诅咒”现象是指自然资源丰富的地区经济发展反而受限。 🌍现象举例 挤出效应**:资源产业集中导致制造业等其他产业发展受限。 荷兰病效应**:资源产业高利润推高整体收入和成本,影响其他产业竞争力。 人力资本投资不足**:资源依赖导致教育、科研投入减少,影响长期发展。 📊国内案例 省际研究**:国内学者
电脑关机 有图片闪过
电脑关机时出现图片闪烁,通常是由显示驱动程序问题或不兼容的应用程序引起的。 🔧解决方法 检查刷新率**:设置正确的显示器刷新率,避免过高或过低。 更新驱动程序**:在安全模式下卸载并重新安装显示驱动程序。 卸载不兼容应用**:检查并卸载可能导致问题的应用程序。
膏药贴上后发痒可能是局部气血得到有效疏通导致的皮肤发痒,这可以是膏药产生效果的表现之一。 然而,我们也需要关注是否有其他不良反应,如皮疹、皮肤发红或刺痛等,这些可能是过敏反应的迹象。 每个人的情况不同,因此建议在医生指导下使用膏药,并及时反馈任何不适症状。 膏药效果与发痒的关系 可能的正面效果**:如果膏药贴上后只有轻微的瘙痒感,没有其他不适
气相火焰燃烧是一种常见的燃烧形式,通常在可燃物和助燃物均为气体时发生,并伴有火焰的产生。这种燃烧形式在工业、科研和日常生活中都有广泛的应用。以下是一些关于气相火焰燃烧的图片和视频资源,它们可以为您提供直观的了解。 🔥 气相火焰燃烧图片资源 火焰火星火花背景**:这类图片通常展示了火焰在黑色背景下的火星和火花,适合用作视频特效或背景素材。
杜瓦杰效应指的是由法国政治学者莫瑞斯·迪韦尔热(Maurice Duverger)在20世纪50年代提出的关于选举制度与政党体系之间关系的理论,即迪韦尔热定律。该定律认为,相对多数代表制倾向于产生两党制,而比例代表制则易导致多党制的形成。 😊杜瓦杰效应的主要内容 两党制倾向**:迪韦尔热定律指出,在相对多数代表制下,由于选举规则的“
早晨的红色天空通常意味着大气中存在大量的气溶胶粒子,这些粒子能够散射红光。 🌅 红色天空的原因 光的散射:早晨太阳升起时,阳光穿过大气层,遇到气溶胶粒子,红光波长较长,穿透力强,因此被散射到天空中,形成红色天空。 🌦️ 天气条件 大气湿度:当大气中水分较多时,容易形成气溶胶,增加了光的散射效果,使得天空呈现红色。