



  1. 当与现在时或过去时连用时,通常表示“在某段时间内”。例如,“I always eat my lunch in 15 minutes”(我总是在15分钟内吃完午饭)或“I finished my homework in 2 hours”(我在2小时内完成了作业)。
  2. 当与将来时连用时,表示“在一段时间之后”。例如,“My father will come back in 2 weeks”(我父亲将在两周后回来)。



What are some examples of using "in" with a period of time?


  1. 表示在一段时间内

    • He wrote the report in three days. 他用了三天时间写报告。
    • They managed to do a lot of work in a day. 他们一天之内做了很多工作。
  2. 表示在一段时间之后

    • My father will come back in 2 weeks. 我父亲两周后回来。
    • The plane takes off in 10 minutes. 飞机在十分钟内起飞。



  • 8 in +时间段,既可以表示事件在这段时间结束的时候发生(即某某时间之后),也可以表示事件发生在这段时间内。谓语可以是将来时,也可以是一般过去时。
  • 9 这里是完成时(have learnt)加in。表示一段时间之内。
  • 10 In a period of time means something will happen sometime before the end of the period, usually near the end.
  • 11 In a period of time means something will happen sometime before the end of the period, usually near the end.
  • 13 That “in’ means “within”. It does not include any time after 48 hours have elapsed.
  • 14 when it refers to “after a period of time”, the preposition “in” , as far as I know, is usually with a verb. ( grammatically called accomplishments) which indicates that …
  • 15 The phrase "in a period of time" is correct and usable in written English.
  • 16 Over the period of time, compared to other music formats, the sales of LPs declined significantly...
  • 17 In this case, "in a long period of time" you are inside a period of time, that is considered long or the time amount is large.
  • 18 In 15% of cases "in period" is used.
  • 19 The suggestion below for through indicates period of time too.
  • 20 yourself.
  • 21 For indicates a period of time (amount of time) in the past, present or future.
  • 22 They worked for two days.
  • 23 Grammar. Vocabulary. Look at these time expressions.
  • 24 Apostrophe before the “s”: One week ’ s notice. Apostrophe after the “s”: Two weeks ’ notice.
  • 25 标记:Future PerfectFuture TensesVerb TensesEnglish Future Tense Practice
  • 26 English Grammar
  • 27 Future Tenses.
  • 28 Future Tenses.
  • 29 The present continuous can refer to the future.
  • 30 Days, months and seasons are essential vocabulary to use in daily life, because we need these words while making plans, arranging something or talking about past events.
  • 31 Days, months and seasons – A1 English Vocabulary
  • 32 Knowing the days, months and seasons in Chinese can be vital to helping you communicate and understand where and when you need to be somewhere.
  • 33 The months of the year in English.
  • 34 Today we’ll learn month, season and week in Chinese Mandarin.
  • 35 Today is the 31st of December.
  • 36 Names of days, months, seasons and holidays are normally not preceded by an article: on Monday in March in summer at Christmas.

How does the usage of "in" differ when it's used with present tense versus future tense?

The usage of "in" depends on the context and the tense of the verb it is used with. When "in" is used with present tense, it often indicates a period of time that is part of the present moment, such as "I will be there in an hour." In this case, "in" is referring to the next hour from the present time. However, when "in" is used with future tense, it often indicates a time in the future, such as "We will arrive in Paris next week." In this case, "in" is referring to the future arrival in Paris. So, the usage of "in" with present tense versus future tense mainly depends on whether you are referring to a time that is happening now or a time that will happen in the future.1

What are the other meanings of "in" besides indicating a period of time?

"In" 除了表示时间段之外,还有其他多种含义。例如,它可以表示地点或位置:“我在房间里”;也可以表示某个领域或范围:“他在音乐界很有名”。此外,“in”还可以表示语言的使用,如在“请说英语”中说“in English”。“in”是一个多义词,其具体含义取决于上下文。[citation:dictionary.com]

Can "in" be used with other time-related nouns like days, months, or seasons?

Yes, "in" can be used with other time-related nouns like days, months, or seasons. For example, you can say "I will meet you in two days," "She lives in March," or "We played tennis in spring." 1

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using "in" with a period of time?

When using "in" with a period of time, there are some common mistakes to avoid.

  1. Not using "in" correctly with time expressions: For example, instead of saying "I will meet you in two days," it should be "I will meet you in two days' time."
  2. Using "in" with indefinite time periods: It is not appropriate to use "in" with indefinite time periods like "I will come in some time" as it does not provide a clear sense of timing.
  3. Incorrect usage with the future tense: When referring to future events, it is important to use "in" correctly with appropriate time expressions like "I will arrive in an hour."
  4. Not distinguishing between "during" and "in": It is crucial to understand the difference between using "during" and "in" with time periods. While "in" is used for referring to events happening at a specific point within a period of time, "during" is used for events that span across a duration. For instance, "I will be free in the afternoon" versus "I will work during the day."

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“in 加一段时间”用法是什么?
请解释“in 加一段时间”的含义。
如何正确使用“in 加一段时间”?
“in 加一段时间”与时间表达的关系是什么?
请给出关于“in 加一段时间”的几个例句。
能否解释“加一段时间”前面的介词 in 的作用?

