
My friend Richard had a big house with a big yard in the mountains. Once, he went far to work, so he asked me to 1.() his yard. He worked hard and often kept the yard clean 2.() any grass. But I was too lazy to sweep the fallen leaves, and I never pluck (拔) grass, allowing it to grow rapidly. In the early3.() in March, the leaves were green and soft. A month later, when the leaves spread quickly, I discovered they were like wild orchids in the forest. 4.() As the summer came, the "grass" really flowered. The flowers looked 5.()like those forest orchids,6.() they were yellow, unlike those purple or brown red forest orchids. I picked one flower, then went to a friend who studied plants. As soon as my friend saw it he asked me7.()I picked it. "It's amazing!" He 8.()explained, "This kind of orchid is hard to find. Now it is worth at least 10,000 dollars each." I told the good news to Richard. He was 9.(). After a while he said gently, he saw the orchid 10.()in the yard every year, but he thought it was just common grass, so he always plucked it. He said, "if I could 11.(), it 12.()would flower a few years before." Yes, all of us might miss some rare orchids in our own lives. We don't give13.() the time to flower to prove their value. Give the "grass" time to flower and give everybody a14.() to prove his value. Don't pluck a leave of any "grass" or negate a person rudely and how many "rare orchids" we will get 15.()in our lives!


It seems like you're working on a fill-in-the-blanks exercise or a story with missing parts. Here's how you might complete the sentences based on the context provided:

  1. mow - He asked me to mow his yard.
  2. of - He worked hard and often kept the yard clean of any grass.
  3. spring - In the early spring in March, the leaves were green and soft.
  4. Later - Later, as the summer came, the "grass" really flowered.
  5. exactly - The flowers looked exactly like those forest orchids,
  6. except - except they were yellow, unlike those purple or brown red forest orchids.
  7. where - "Where did you pick it?" He asked me.
  8. then - He then explained,
  9. delighted - He was delighted.
  10. growing - he saw the orchid growing in the yard every year,
  11. recognize - if I could recognize,
  12. it - it would have flowered a few years before.
  13. them - We don't give them the time to flower to prove their value.
  14. chance - Give everybody a chance to prove his value.
  15. by - how many "rare orchids" we will get by in our lives!

This story is a nice metaphor about not judging things or people too quickly and giving them the time and space to show their true value.


