
The biosynthesis of syringaresinol


Syringaresinol是一种由两个sinapyl alcohol单元通过β-β键连接形成的木脂素[lignan],具有多种生物活性和应用潜力,例如作为营养品和在聚合物合成中26。其生物合成过程主要通过一锅法[one-pot]两酶转化实现,这一过程涉及到的两种酶分别是丁香酚氧化酶[eugenol oxidase, EUGO]和辣根过氧化物酶[horseradish peroxidase, HRP],它们共同作用于相对便宜的2,6-二甲基苯酚[2,6-dimethoxyphenol]作为辅助底物345

在2018年发表的研究中,作者Mohamed Habib, Milos Trajkovic, 和 Marco W Fraaije通过一锅法转化,使用EUGO和HRP成功合成了syringaresinol3。此外,通过使用辣根过氧化物酶,实现了sinapyl alcohol向syringaresinol的氧化二聚化,研究者们还探索了一锅法、两酶系统的最佳条件5

最近的一项研究报道了一种优化的生物催化氧化过程,用于从sinapyl alcohol合成syringaresinol,该过程在多克级别上实现了93%的产率17。此外,还有研究表明,(+)-对映体的syringaresinol是通过两个sinapyl alcohol分子在L. tulipifera中的对映选择性形成,随后进行合成8


What are the specific applications of syringaresinol as a nutraceutical and in polymers?

Syringaresinol, a lignan, has been identified for its various applications, particularly as a nutraceutical and in the field of polymer chemistry. As a nutraceutical, syringaresinol is recognized for its potential health benefits, which include antioxidant properties and the ability to support cardiovascular health. It has been noted for its potential to display various biological activities, making it a valuable compound in the development of nutraceutical products.2691011131516

In terms of polymers, syringaresinol is utilized due to its unique chemical structure that allows it to form stable and functional polymeric materials. The compound's ability to link with other molecules through β–β linkages contributes to the development of polymers with specific properties, such as enhanced stability and biodegradability. This makes syringaresinol a promising candidate for use in green polymer chemistry, where there is a growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly materials.61011121315

How does the biocatalytic oxidative process compare to traditional chemical synthesis methods in terms of efficiency and yield?

The biocatalytic oxidative process for the synthesis of syringaresinol stands out in comparison to traditional chemical synthesis methods, particularly in terms of efficiency and yield. A key advantage of the biocatalytic process is the high yield it achieves; for instance, one study reported an optimized biocatalytic oxidative process that produced syringaresinol at a multigram scale with a 93% yield.17

This high yield is significant as it demonstrates the potential for large-scale production while maintaining the quality and quantity of the desired product. Moreover, biocatalytic processes are often conducted under milder conditions compared to traditional chemical methods, which can contribute to higher efficiency and reduced energy consumption.171820212223273031

Furthermore, biocatalytic methods are known for their chemoselectivity, which allows for the synthesis of complex molecules in a more direct and efficient manner, often reducing the number of steps in the synthesis process. This not only shortens the production time but also minimizes waste generation, aligning with the principles of green chemistry.182022404244

What are the potential side effects or limitations of using eugenol oxidase (EUGO) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the synthesis of syringaresinol?

While eugenol oxidase (EUGO) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are effective enzymes in the biocatalytic synthesis of syringaresinol, there are potential side effects and limitations to consider. One concern is the possibility of side reactions that could lead to the formation of unwanted by-products, which may affect the purity and yield of the desired product.34514242526

Additionally, the stability and reusability of the enzymes are crucial factors that can impact the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the process. Enzyme inactivation or deactivation over time can lead to a decrease in the reaction rate and may require the use of additional enzyme quantities to maintain the desired yield.27293031

Another limitation is the potential for enzyme contamination, which could affect the purity of the final product, especially in applications such as nutraceuticals where high purity standards are required. Moreover, the cost of enzyme production and purification can be a limiting factor in the scalability and commercial viability of the biocatalytic process.273031

Can the optimized biocatalytic process be scaled up for industrial production of syringaresinol?

The potential for scaling up the optimized biocatalytic process for the industrial production of syringaresinol is a topic of interest and has been addressed in various studies. The high yield achieved in the biocatalytic synthesis, as mentioned earlier, is a promising indicator for scalability.17

However, scaling up a biocatalytic process for industrial production involves several challenges, including the need for efficient enzyme recovery and recycling, maintaining enzyme stability and activity at larger scales, and

What is the chemical structure of syringaresinol?
How is syringaresinol used in medicine?
What are the health benefits of syringaresinol?
What are the natural sources of syringaresinol?
How does syringaresinol affect the immune system?
What are the methods for extracting syringaresinol?

optimized biocatalytic oxidative process for the synthesis of syringaresinol from sinapyl alcohol1

高效合成 通过生物催化氧化过程,从芥子醇合成丁香树脂酚,产率高达93%。

synthesis of syringaresinol in a one-pot two-enzyme conversion2

一锅法双酶转化 描述了丁香树脂酚的一锅法合成,涉及两个芥子醇单元。

Syringaresinol was synthesized in a one-pot conversion containing eugenol oxidase (EUGO) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)3

一锅法酶催化合成 利用丁香酚氧化酶和辣根过氧化物酶在一锅法中合成丁香树脂酚。

By using horseradish peroxidase, the subsequent oxidative dimerization of sinapyl alcohol into syringaresinol was achieved5

辣根过氧化物酶催化氧化 通过辣根过氧化物酶实现芥子醇的氧化二聚,合成丁香树脂酚。

one-pot biocatalytic cascade reaction for the production of racemic syringaresinol6

一锅法生物催化级联反应 用于生产外消旋丁香树脂酚的生物催化级联反应。

(+)-enantiomer of syringaresinol was enantioselectively formed from two molecules of sinapyl alcohol in L. tulipifera8

手性选择性合成 在郁金香百合中,从两个芥子醇分子手性选择性地合成了(+)-丁香树脂酚对映体。

eugenol oxidase (EUGO)3

关键酶 参与合成丁香树脂酚的酶之一。

horseradish peroxidase (HRP)3

关键酶 参与合成丁香树脂酚的另一种酶。

Mohamed Habib3

主要作者 参与了合成丁香酚的生物催化氧化过程研究。

Milos Trajkovic3

研究者 与Mohamed Habib共同参与了丁香酚合成研究。

Marco W Fraaije3

研究者 参与了丁香酚的生物催化合成研究。

