


The Twenty-Four Solar Terms are an integral part of Chinese culture, deeply rooted in the country's agricultural heritage and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). They represent a time knowledge system developed through the observation of the sun's annual movement, which has been used as a guide for agricultural activities and daily life in ancient China.27 These terms are also closely related to health and well-being, as they emphasize the importance of aligning with the natural cycles of the seasons for optimal health and disease prevention.1458

Seasonal Alignment and Health

The concept of "顺应四时、顺时养生" or "adapting to the four seasons and timely health preservation" is central to the integration of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms with health practices.1 This involves adjusting one's lifestyle and habits according to the changes in seasons to achieve better health outcomes.

Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments

As the seasons change, so should one's diet and lifestyle. For instance, during spring, the diet should gradually shift from pungent and warming foods to lighter and yang-nourishing ones as the season progresses from Start of Spring to the Rain Water, the Awakening of Insects, the Vernal Equinox, and Clear and Bright.3 This approach is part of the broader TCM philosophy of "顺应自然,调和阴阳" or "complying with nature and harmonizing yin and yang."5

Specific Health Practices

Each solar term comes with its own set of health practices. For example, the Start of Spring (around February 3-5) is considered an auspicious time to strengthen the gallbladder and boost overall health, with the belief that diseases are less likely to affect those who follow this practice.6 The Clear and Bright festival, which falls on April 4th or 5th, is an excellent time to regulate liver qi and clear dampness from the body, with specific health tips provided by TCM experts.9

Cultural Significance and Modern Relevance

The Twenty-Four Solar Terms are not just a part of traditional Chinese culture but also have modern relevance. They continue to guide agricultural practices, such as when to plow, sow, weed, and harvest, in accordance with the natural rhythms of the seasons.7 Moreover, the health and wellness wisdom derived from these terms is still actively promoted and practiced today, with experts offering advice on how to maintain health and longevity through alignment with the solar terms.8

In summary, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms are a rich source of traditional Chinese wisdom that offers guidance on living in harmony with the natural world for improved health and well-being. By following the practices associated with each term, individuals can align their lifestyles with the changing seasons, potentially enhancing their physical and mental health.

What are the 24 solar terms?
How to maintain health according to the 24 solar terms?
Traditional Chinese medicine and the 24 solar terms
The significance of the 24 solar terms in agriculture
How do the 24 solar terms affect daily life?
Seasonal recipes for health preservation based on the 24 solar terms

