
What are the characteristics of Syringaresinol

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Syringaresinol is a naturally occurring lignan with a variety of biological activities and chemical properties. Here are some of its key characteristics:

  1. Chemical Structure: Syringaresinol is a 7,9':7',9-diepoxylignane with hydroxy groups at positions 4 and 4' and methoxy groups at positions 3, 3', 5, and 5' respectively. This structure classifies it as a lignan, a type of polyphenol, and an aromatic ether1.

  2. Biological Activities: It has been found to promote the repair of spinal cord injury in rats by overexpressing UBE4B, increasing AKT phosphorylation, and reducing neuronal apoptosis2. Additionally, it has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are being studied for their potential therapeutic effects in diseases like diabetic nephropathy45.

  3. Dietary Importance: Syringaresinol, along with pinoresinol, is considered a biologically important dietary furofuran lignan. It is formed from two units of sinapyl alcohol and has been found in different plant species, with varying degrees of enantiomeric purity3.

  4. Pharmacological Effects: Syringaresinol has demonstrated the ability to reduce memory impairment in mice, likely due to its effects on cholinergic pathways, and to lower neuroinflammation3. It has also been shown to decrease proliferation and induce apoptosis in certain breast tumor cells while acting as an antioxidant in normal human mammary epithelial cells3.

  5. Inflammation and Vasorelaxation: The compound has been reported to inhibit carrageenan-induced paw edema in mice and reduce inflammatory markers3. Furthermore, it induces vasorelaxation by enhancing nitric oxide (NO) production in endothelial cells through distinct mechanisms7.

  6. Renewable Compound: Syringaresinol can be prepared from a renewable bisepoxide, SYR-EPO, derived from sinapic acid, highlighting its potential as a sustainable compound in various applications6.

  7. Interaction with Receptors: Syringaresinol has been found to function as an antagonist for both wild and mutated androgen receptors (ARs), suggesting a role in conditions related to AR activity8.

These characteristics highlight syringaresinol as a multifaceted compound with potential applications in medicine and health due to its diverse biological activities and interactions with important cellular pathways.

What are the different plant species that contain Syringaresinol?

Syringaresinol is a lignan that can be found in various plant species. It is derived from sinapic acid and is known to have different degrees of enantiomeric purity depending on the plant species involved.13 For instance, it is mentioned that syringaresinol is found in different species, and its formation could result from the coupling of sinapyl alcohol or from the modification of preformed pinoresinol.3 Additionally, syringaresinol can be extracted from the Dragon's Blood of Dracaena cambodiana, which highlights its presence in this specific plant species.10 Furthermore, the study in reference 30 reports the isolation and characterization of (+)-syringaresinol from Rubia philippinensis, indicating another plant source of this compound.

How does Syringaresinol affect memory impairment in mice?

Syringaresinol has been studied for its potential effects on memory impairment in mice. In a study mentioned in the references, pinoresinol, which is related to syringaresinol, reduced memory impairment due to cholinergic blockade in mice.3 This suggests that syringaresinol, given its structural similarity and common metabolic pathways, might have similar effects on memory impairment. Additionally, the aglycone of SYG (syringingoside), which is syringaresinol, has been reported to display neuromodulating effects on presynaptic transmitter release.11 This indicates that syringaresinol could potentially influence memory impairment by modulating neurotransmitter release, although direct evidence for syringaresinol's effect on memory impairment in mice is not explicitly provided in the references.

What is the role of Syringaresinol in reducing neuroinflammation?

Syringaresinol has been reported to play a role in reducing neuroinflammation. In one study, pinoresinol, which is closely related to syringaresinol, was found to lower neuroinflammation in addition to reducing memory impairment in mice.3 This suggests that syringaresinol, due to its similar chemical properties and biological activities, might also contribute to the reduction of neuroinflammation. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory activity of syringaresinol itself has been noted,10 which implies that it could potentially exert neuroprotective effects by mitigating neuroinflammatory processes.

How does Syringaresinol inhibit inflammatory markers in mice?

Syringaresinol has been shown to inhibit inflammatory markers in mice. Specifically, it has been reported to inhibit carrageenan-induced paw edema and reduce inflammatory markers.3 This indicates that syringaresinol possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can potentially modulate the immune response and decrease inflammation in mice. Additionally, the study in reference 31 demonstrated that SYR pretreatment significantly reduced lung tissue histological damage and inhibited the production of proinflammatory cytokines, further supporting its role in inhibiting inflammatory markers.

What are the vasorelaxation effects of Syringaresinol on endothelial cells?

Syringaresinol has been found to induce vasorelaxation, which is the relaxation of blood vessels, leading to improved blood flow. This effect is particularly significant in endothelial cells, which are crucial for vascular health. According to the references, syringaresinol enhances nitric oxide (NO) production in endothelial cells via two distinct mechanisms: the phosphorylation and dimerization of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent pathway.732333435 This increase in NO production leads to vasorelaxation, which can have beneficial effects on vascular function and overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, the study in reference 38 investigated the pharmacological effect of syringaresinol on vascular relaxation and eNOS-mediated NO production, further supporting its role in vasorelaxation.

What is the chemical structure of Syringaresinol?
How is Syringaresinol synthesized?
What are the health benefits of Syringaresinol?
Is Syringaresinol a natural compound?
What are the sources of Syringaresinol?
How does Syringaresinol affect the body?

Syringaresinol as a plant metabolite1

植物代谢物 Syringaresinol是一种植物代谢物,具有7,9':7',9-二环氧联苯结构,羟基和甲氧基取代。

Syringaresinol promotes spinal cord repair2

促进脊髓修复 Syringaresinol通过UBE4B过表达促进大鼠脊髓损伤修复,增加AKT磷酸化,减少神经元凋亡。

Syringaresinol's presence in different plant species3

不同植物中的存在 Syringaresinol在不同植物种类中存在,其对映体纯度因植物种类而异。

Syringaresinol's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties4

抗炎抗氧化特性 Syringaresinol具有抗炎和抗氧化特性,但其在糖尿病肾病中的治疗作用和机制尚不明确。

Syringaresinol's role in diabetic retinopathy5

糖尿病视网膜病变中的作用 Syringaresinol作为早期糖尿病视网膜病变治疗的候选物质,具有抗炎和抗氧化特性。

SYR-EPO prepared from Syringaresinol6

化学酶法制备 从Syringaresinol出发,通过化学酶法制备了可再生的双环氧化物SYR-EPO。


植物代谢物 一种具有抗炎和抗氧化特性的植物代谢物。


神经修复促进剂 通过UBE4B过表达促进大鼠脊髓损伤修复,减少神经元凋亡。


生物活性物质 存在于不同植物物种中,具有不同的对映体纯度。


抗炎抗氧化物质 其在糖尿病肾病中的治疗作用和机制尚不明确。


糖尿病视网膜病变治疗剂 早期糖尿病视网膜病变的慢性炎症和氧化应激的缓解剂。


可再生双环氧化物 由Syringaresinol通过化学酶法制备的化合物。


血管舒张诱导剂 通过增强内皮细胞中NO的产生来诱导血管舒张。


雄激素受体拮抗剂 作为野生型和突变型雄激素受体的拮抗剂。

