
as a student of PhD, based on the title "Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China", meet the following requirement, design a Questionnaire of research design based on the title. the following paragraph:The questionnaire consists of three main sections: demographic information, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation capability, followed by questions on competitive advantage. It includes a total of 45 items, with 15 items for each construct and 15 demographic questions.While some items are original, the majority are adapted from well-validated scales. The entrepreneurial spirit section draws from the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (Covin & Slevin, 1989), and the innovation capability section is based on the Innovation Capability Scale (Bharadwaj, 2000). The competitive advantage section is an original set of items designed specifically for this study.The questionnaire begins with demographic questions categorizing respondents by age, gender, education level, position, and company size. The subsequent sections contain rating questions on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” (5), to assess the constructs of interest.


理解问题as a student of PhD, based on the title "Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China", meet the following requirement, design a Questionnaire of research design based on the title. the following paragraph:The questionnaire consists of three main sections: demographic information, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation capability, followed by questions on competitive advantage. It includes a total of 45 items, with 15 items for each construct and 15 demographic questions.While some items are original, the majority are adapted from well-validated scales. The entrepreneurial spirit section draws from the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (Covin & Slevin, 1989), and the innovation capability section is based on the Innovation Capability Scale (Bharadwaj, 2000). The competitive advantage section is an original set of items designed specifically for this study.The questionnaire begins with demographic questions categorizing respondents by age, gender, education level, position, and company size. The subsequent sections contain rating questions on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” (5), to assess the constructs of interest.

已完成理解as a student of PhD, based on the title "Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China", meet the following requirement, design a Questionnaire of research design based on the title. the following paragraph:The questionnaire consists of three main sections: demographic information, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation capability, followed by questions on competitive advantage. It includes a total of 45 items, with 15 items for each construct and 15 demographic questions.While some items are original, the majority are adapted from well-validated scales. The entrepreneurial spirit section draws from the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (Covin & Slevin, 1989), and the innovation capability section is based on the Innovation Capability Scale (Bharadwaj, 2000). The competitive advantage section is an original set of items designed specifically for this study.The questionnaire begins with demographic questions categorizing respondents by age, gender, education level, position, and company size. The subsequent sections contain rating questions on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” (5), to assess the constructs of interest.


设计一份问卷是一项细致的工作,需要确保问卷能够准确反映研究目的并收集到有用的数据。根据您提供的标题“Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China”,以下是一份基于该标题的研究设计问卷的草案。




  1. 年龄:

    • 20岁以下
    • 21-30岁
    • 31-40岁
    • 41-50岁
    • 51岁以上
  2. 性别:

    • 其他
  3. 教育水平:

    • 高中及以下
    • 专科
    • 本科
    • 硕士
    • 博士及以上
  4. 职位:

    • 普通员工
    • 中层管理
    • 高层管理
    • 企业主
  5. 公司规模:

    • 少于10人
    • 10-50人
    • 51-200人
    • 201-500人
    • 500人以上


这部分包含15个问题,主要基于Covin & Slevin (1989)的创业取向量表。

  1. 我经常寻找新的机会来发展我的业务。
  2. 我愿意承担风险以实现企业的快速增长。
  3. 我倾向于采用创新的方法来提高企业的竞争力。
  4. 我鼓励我的团队成员积极寻求变革。
  5. 我重视灵活性和快速响应市场变化的能力。


这部分包含15个问题,基于Bharadwaj (2000)的创新能力量表。

  1. 我的企业在新产品开发方面具有强大的能力。
  2. 我们能够有效地吸收和利用外部知识。
  3. 我们鼓励员工提出创新的想法和解决方案。
  4. 我们有能力快速将创新想法转化为市场产品。
  5. 我们重视持续学习和改进我们的创新流程。



  1. 我的企业在成本控制方面具有竞争优势。
  2. 我们的产品质量在市场上具有明显优势。
  3. 我们的服务水平高于竞争对手。
  4. 我们的品牌知名度和忠诚度为我们带来了竞争优势。
  5. 我们的供应链管理效率使我们在竞争中处于有利地位。




  • 确保问卷的逻辑性和流畅性,避免跳跃性问题。
  • 确保问题的清晰性和简洁性,避免使用复杂或模糊的语言。
  • 确保问卷的匿名性和数据的保密性,以提高受访者的参与度和诚实度。


1. 如何确保问卷调查的参与者代表性?
2. 5点量表在评估创新能力时的局限性是什么?
3. 问卷中如何界定“竞争优势”的具体指标?
4. 问卷设计中如何平衡原创性和验证性量表的使用?
5. 问卷调查结果如何帮助中小企业提升竞争力?
as a student of PhD, based on the title "Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China", meet the following requirement, design a Questionnaire of research design based on the title. the following paragraph:The questionnaire consists of three main sections: demographic information, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation capability, followed by questions on competitive advantage. It includes a total of 45 items, with 15 items for each construct and 15 demographic questions.While some items are original, the majority are adapted from well-validated scales. The entrepreneurial spirit section draws from the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (Covin & Slevin, 1989), and the innovation capability section is based on the Innovation Capability Scale (Bharadwaj, 2000). The competitive advantage section is an original set of items designed specifically for this study.The questionnaire begins with demographic questions categorizing respondents by age, gender, education level, position, and company size. The subsequent sections contain rating questions on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” (5), to assess the constructs of interest.
as a student of PhD, based on the title "Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Capability on the Competitive Advantage. A Quantitative Study among Manufacturing Industries in SMEs in Shandong, China", meet the following requirement, design a Questionnaire of research design based on the title. the following paragraph:The questionnaire consists of three main sections: demographic information, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation capability, followed by questions on competitive advantage. It includes a total of 45 items, with 15 items for each construct and 15 demographic questions.While some items are original, the majority are adapted from well-validated scales. The entrepreneurial spirit section draws from the Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale (Covin & Slevin, 1989), and the innovation capability section is based on the Innovation Capability Scale (Bharadwaj, 2000). The competitive advantage section is an original set of items designed specifically for this study.The questionnaire begins with demographic questions categorizing respondents by age, gender, education level, position, and company size. The subsequent sections contain rating questions on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” (5), to assess the constructs of interest.

