
Read the following questions and choose the most proper answer. (4 points per question) 1.Have you _______gone skydiving? a.could b. been c. ever d. done 2.What time _______________ your mother leave work on Thursdays? a.do b. is c. are d. does 3. Did Sayaka ______________ her vacation? a.enjoying b. enjoy c. enjoyed d. enjoys 4.All ______________ under this Refund/Exchange Policy must be followed in order to be granted a full refund. a.requirements b. model c. essential d. necessary Fill in the below blank with the most proper synonyms (4 points per question) 1.Compensate ______________ 2.Transaction ______________ 3.Discount ______________ 4.Rotate ______________ 5.Capacity ______________ 6.Comprehension ______________ Translate the following statement from English to Chinese. (10 point per question) 1.Full Refund may include full cash refund, exchange of products, or store credits. All refunds will only be issued via the original form of payment. Original shipping costs will be deducted from any refund amount except in the case of Defective Product. 2.When the Refund Product was purchased together with other Products that resulted in a bundle discount, the bundle discount will be immediately void upon refund. The discount amount of other Products will be revoked and deducted from the refund amount You ultimately receive. This policy applies to any kind of bundle discounts including but not limited to gift cards, free gifts, quantity purchase etc. Read the following article and summarize in one paragraph (No more than 6 sentences) (20 Points) Life without Money Successful business man, Roy, worried about the destruction people were doing to the environment. He worried about all the things people bought and thought that people acquire more than they needed. He felt that people become slaves to their possessions and that their greed blinded them from seeing the important things in life. Roy thought that a life without possessions was the key to achieve true happiness. Determined to test his theory, Roy quit his job, sold his house, and decided to live for a year without buying anything. He moved into the forest and built a humble shelter out of branches and moss. He found a neighboring farm and made an agreement with the farm owner—Roy would farm the land and use a portion of the vegetables he harvested as payment for use. He spent his time gathering fire wood and hunting small animals using a bow and arrow he chiseled himself. He made his own toothpaste from tree roots and seeds. He used his knowledge of the vegetation around him to heal any ailments that afflicted him. He was entirely self-reliant. After 12 months, he emerged from the forest a healthier and happier man. His theory proved true and from that point on, his perspective on life was never the same. Answer: Response the customer in proper email format (20 Points) Email from customer: Dear Sir/Madam Very disappointed in this product I purchased it and it as damaged my little 3 old daughters leg though they would have sensors on them I've have contacted a lawyer about this but I really would like to. Resolve it the easy way. Best, John Answer:



  1. b. been
  2. d. does
  3. c. enjoyed
  4. a. requirements


  1. Compensate - Reimburse
  2. Transaction - Deal
  3. Discount - Reduction
  4. Rotate - Revolve
  5. Capacity - Ability
  6. Comprehension - Understanding


  1. 全额退款可能包括全额现金退款、产品交换或商店积分。所有退款将仅通过原始支付方式发放。除产品缺陷情况外,原始运费将从任何退款金额中扣除。

  2. 如果退款产品与其他产品一起购买,形成了捆绑折扣,退款后捆绑折扣将立即失效。其他产品的折扣金额将被撤销,并从您最终收到的退款金额中扣除。此政策适用于任何类型的捆绑折扣,包括但不限于礼品卡、免费礼品、批量购买等。



Email Response:

Subject: Re: Concern Regarding Product Safety and Resolution

Dear John,

I hope this message finds you well. We are deeply concerned to hear about the unfortunate incident involving your daughter and our product. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any harm caused.

We take the safety of our customers and their families very seriously, and we are committed to resolving this matter promptly and amicably. We would like to offer you a full refund and will cover any medical expenses incurred due to the product's malfunction.

To expedite the process, could you please provide us with the following details:

  • Order number
  • Date of purchase
  • A brief description of the incident
  • Any supporting documentation, such as medical reports or photographs of the product

Our customer service team will be in touch with you shortly to assist with the refund process and to ensure that any necessary actions are taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards a satisfactory resolution. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company] [Contact Information]

Please note that the above response is a template and should be personalized and adjusted according to the specific details of the situation and company policies.


