
ASSIGNMENT Carefully read the food poisoning breaking news and answer the following questions. CASE 1: 8/11/2023 – A birthday party celebration ended with a tragedy when 15 children (between 3 to 10 years old) were rushed to the hospitals between 7 pm to 11 pm last night, after experiencing severe vomiting. Among those children, two children aged 3.5 years old and 5 years old, have reportedly died several hours after being admitted to the emergency care unit. Another six children (3 to 5 years old) are still receiving intensive medical treatment. The rest of the sick children have recovered and returned home. Foods served in the occasion were the last meal consumed by those affected children. The host have confirmed that fried noodles, fried rice, French fries, tuna sandwich, chicken nuggets, potato salad, chocolate cake, and caramel pudding were home-prepared and served during the occasion. Although the confirmed cause of food poisoning is still under investigation, unaffected children have reported that they did not consume fried rice, tuna sandwich, chicken nuggets, and potato salad, as they were late comers. Five adults were experiencing mild symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain, but none of them required any medical treatments. All affected adults have confirmed that they have consumed both potato salad and fried rice. The rest of the adults did not experience any discomfort after attending the birthday party, which was hosted in a local botanical garden around 11 am to 2 pm yesterday. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CASE 2: 13/9/2023 – Five individuals (between 16 to 67 years old) have been admitted to the hospital due to gastrointestinal illnesses. These patients were among 700 guests of a wedding reception that was held in a local community hall on 11/9/2023. As of this morning, a 58-years old woman and a 67-years old man are undergoing intensive medical treatment. The remaining patients are still recovering from the food poisoning symptoms. Other than hospitalized guests, nearly half of the guests have complained to the family members of the bride that they experienced some sort of food poisoning symptoms including dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Affected guests have confirmed that they consumed satay (chicken skewer), roasted lamb, beef curry, and assorted fresh-cut fruits. However, they did not notice any off-flavor or off-odor upon consumption of foods. The investigation is still ongoing to identify the food source and etiologic agent that is most likely responsible for the food poisoning. For each case: 1. Identify one food that most likely has caused food poisoning. (1 mark) 2. State one etiologic agent that most likely responsible for the food poisoning. (2 mark) 3. Based on answers for Q1 and Q2, elaborate how do you reach the conclusion. (3 mark) 4. Propose two preventive measures to reduce the probability of similar food poisoning cases in the future (4 mark)



1. Likely Food

  • Potato Salad:受影响的儿童和成人都食用了土豆沙拉,而未受影响的儿童没有食用。

2. Likely Etiologic Agent

  • Bacteria, possibly Staphylococcus aureus:土豆沙拉是一种高风险食品,因为它含有肉类和淀粉,容易在不当的储存条件下滋生细菌,如金黄色葡萄球菌。

3. Conclusion Reasoning

  • 土豆沙拉是唯一被所有受影响的儿童和成人食用的食物,而未受影响的儿童没有食用。这表明土豆沙拉很可能是污染源。金黄色葡萄球菌是一种常见的细菌,能在食物中迅速繁殖并产生毒素,尤其是在富含蛋白质和淀粉的食物中。

4. Preventive Measures

  • Proper Storage:确保所有易腐食品在适当的温度下储存,避免细菌繁殖。
  • Thorough Cooking:确保所有食品彻底煮熟,特别是肉类和蛋类,以杀灭可能存在的病原体。


1. Likely Food

  • Beef Curry:牛肉咖喱是唯一被所有住院患者确认食用的食物,可能是污染源。

2. Likely Etiologic Agent

  • Bacteria, possibly E. coli or Salmonella:这些细菌常见于肉类和家禽,特别是在不当处理或烹饪不充分的情况下。

3. Conclusion Reasoning

  • 牛肉咖喱是所有住院患者共同食用的食物,而其他食物如沙爹和烤羊肉,并非所有患者都食用。E. coli 和 Salmonella 是常见的食源性病原体,特别是在肉类食品中。

4. Preventive Measures

  • Hygienic Food Handling:确保食品处理过程中的个人卫生,包括经常洗手和使用干净的工具。
  • Temperature Control:在食品准备和储存过程中严格控制温度,避免病原体生长。

