The Olympia Amateur Fitness Competition is a prestigious event held annually in Las Vegas as part of the Joe Weider's Fitness and Performance Weekend 2. This event showcases the best in the fitness industry and offers a platform for amateur athletes to compete and potentially earn their IFBB Pro Card 3. The competition includes various categories such as Women's Bodybuilding, Women's Physique, and Figure 4. The 2023 Amateur Olympia saw Camila Lyra, Erika Torronen, and Stefanie Roth as the Overall Winners in the Figure category, each earning an IFBB Pro Card 3. The event is not only a competition but also a celebration of fitness and athleticism, with opportunities for fans to interact with the athletes at events like the Olympia Press Conference and Meet the Olympians 7. The Olympia Amateur Fitness Competition is also significant as bodybuilding and fitness are recognized sports in several regional games, and the event contributes to the growing recognition and inclusion of these sports in larger sporting events 9. For those interested in participating in the 2024 Olympia Amateur Fitness Competition, registration details are expected to be announced soon 8.