
A manufacturer of custom retail displays, had seen its production line slow to a halt when one of the company’s two machines had broken down. Tom, the company’s president, believed he had three viable options: buy a new machine, lease a new machine, or run an extra shift to keep his current machines working for more hours. It requires to use net present value calculations and consider all three options both qualitatively and quantitatively to make recommendations. 1: Purchase a New Machine with Cash This would provide him peace of mind that if there were a breakdown, jobs would continue on schedule. The cost of the new equipment would be $142,000. He also estimated that there would be increased out-of-pocket operating costs of $10,000 per month if a new machine were brought online. After five years, the machine would have a salvage value of $40,000. Although the company did not have the cash readily available to make the purchase, Tom believed that with a small amount of cash budgeting and planning, this option would be feasible. 2: Finance The Purchase of a new Machine The company selling the CNC machine also offered a leasing option. The terms of the lease included a down payment of $50,000 and monthly payments of $2,200 for five years. After five years, the equipment could be purchased for $1. The operating costs and salvage values would be the same as option 1, the purchasing option. The company had the cash on hand to make the down payment for the lease. With both the leasing and purchasing options, the company had sufficient space to operate the new equipment, and Tom believed he had almost all of the right employees in place to execute this plan. 3: Add a Third Shift Tom and one of his co-investors had extensive experience in the trucking industry and had seen firsthand the effect of utilizing equipment around the clock. Tom believed adding a third shift could unlock a lot of value , and it could be done at a low cost. It would involve moving several existing employees to work the night shift and would also mean hiring some new employees. Although Tom believed that in time he may add a full third shift to increase overall capacity, his initial plan was for the night shift to run as a “skeleton crew” with the primary purpose of keeping the CNC machines operational for 24 hours. He believed that adding a third shift would produce the same increase in revenue as adding a new machine to his existing shifts. He estimated that adding a third shift would create $12,000 in additional monthly out-of-pocket operating costs, but no new machinery would need to be purchased. This option would be difficult to execute, as there were major safety and supervision challenges associated with running a night shift.  Questions 1. Without using any numbers, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the three options. Are there any other options to consider? 2. Compute and compare the net present value and payback period of each option. 3. Make a recommendation. 4. Rounding to the nearest 1%, at what discount rate does leasing produce a higher net present value than paying cash?回答并用中文解析


1. 各选项的优势和劣势


  • 优势:购买新机器可以确保生产计划的连续性,减少因机器故障导致的生产中断风险。此外,拥有机器的所有权可以在未来提供更多的灵活性和控制权。
  • 劣势:需要较大的初始投资,且如果公司没有足够的现金储备,可能需要进行现金预算和规划。此外,每月的运营成本会增加。


  • 优势:相较于购买,租赁提供了较低的初始成本,公司可以利用手头的现金进行首付。租赁也提供了更多的灵活性,如果业务需求变化,可以更容易地调整。
  • 劣势:长期来看,租赁的成本可能高于购买,因为需要支付持续的租金。此外,租赁结束后,公司不会拥有机器的所有权。


  • 优势:增加班次可以在不增加新设备的情况下提高生产能力,从而增加收入。这种方法的成本相对较低,且可以立即实施。
  • 劣势:增加班次会带来额外的运营成本,如夜间工作的员工工资和可能的安全与监管挑战。


2. 计算和比较各选项的净现值和回收期


  • 购买新机器:初始投资较大,但随着时间的推移,由于机器的折旧和运营成本,NPV可能会逐渐增加。
  • 租赁新机器:初始成本较低,但需要考虑租赁的总成本和租赁期结束后的购买选项。
  • 增加第三班次:初始成本最低,但由于增加了运营成本,NPV的增长可能会受到限制。

3. 推荐


4. 租赁与现金支付的净现值比较



  1. 购买新机器:优势在于生产连续性和所有权,劣势是高初始投资和运营成本增加。
  2. 租赁新机器:优势是低初始成本和灵活性,劣势是长期成本可能更高,且无所有权。
  3. 增加第三班次:优势是低成本和立即提高生产能力,劣势是额外运营成本和安全监管挑战。
  4. 其他选项:考虑维修升级现有机器,共享资源或外包生产。
  5. 推荐:根据公司现金状况和长期目标,租赁或购买新机器可能是更好的选择。增加班次可作为短期解决方案。
  6. 贴现率比较:需要具体数据和财务模型来确定租赁与现金支付在哪个贴现率下更优。
1. 购买新机器的优缺点是什么? 2. 租赁新机器的优缺点有哪些? 3. 增加第三班次的优缺点是什么? 4. 除了购买、租赁和增加班次,还有哪些备选方案? 5. 如何计算净现值(NPV)? 6. 如何计算回收期(Payback Period)? 7. 根据净现值和回收期,推荐哪种方案? 8. 如何确定租赁与现金购买的折现率比较?

