
In which plant was Syringaresinol first discovered?

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Syringaresinol is a naturally occurring compound that has been found in various plant species, and the specific plant in which it was first discovered is not explicitly mentioned in the provided references. However, the references do indicate that it is found in different species with varying degrees of enantiomeric purity depending on the plant species involved16, and it has been isolated from the aerial part of Leptadenia arborea (Asclepiadaceae), where it demonstrated an inhibitory effect against AChE3. Additionally, it is derived from sinapic acid and has been used in the preparation of renewable bisepoxides through chemo-enzymatic processes5. While the exact plant of first discovery is not stated, the information suggests that syringaresinol has been recognized in multiple plant species and has been the subject of chemical investigations.

What are the different degrees of enantiomeric purity found in syringaresinol depending on the plant species?

Syringaresinol, a naturally occurring organic compound, exhibits varying degrees of enantiomeric purity across different plant species. The specific levels of purity are not explicitly stated in the provided references, but it is noted that the purity is "predictably different" depending on the plant species involved.1

What are the nine new benzophenone glycosides discovered in the leaves of the tropical plant where syringaresinol was found?

The nine new benzophenone glycosides discovered in the leaves of the tropical plant, where syringaresinol was also found, are named aquilarinensides A-E (103-107). These compounds were identified as part of previous chemical investigations on the plant.2

How does syringaresinol demonstrate an inhibitory effect against AChE when isolated from Leptadenia arborea?

Syringaresinol, when isolated from the aerial part of Leptadenia arborea, has shown an inhibitory effect against acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The specific mechanism of this inhibition is not detailed in the provided references, but the compound's ability to inhibit AChE suggests potential applications in conditions related to acetylcholine regulation.3

What is the significance of the renewable bisepoxide, SYR-EPO, prepared from syringaresinol?

SYR-EPO, a renewable bisepoxide prepared from syringaresinol, is significant due to its potential as a sustainable alternative to petro-sourced and toxic bisphenol A (BPA). This chemo-enzymatic synthetic approach to producing SYR-EPO highlights the growing interest in developing biobased chemicals that are safer and more environmentally friendly.35373839404142

What is the new type of acetal linkage detected in the metabolism of syringaresinol by wood-rot fungi?

In the metabolism of syringaresinol by wood-rot fungi, specifically Coriolus versicolor, a new type of acetal linkage was detected. This linkage is formed by the addition of a primary alcohol group from the metabolites to the quinone methide of syringaresinol, with the reaction catalyzed by phenol oxidizing enzymes. This discovery provides the first evidence suggesting that the acetal linkage could be a part of the intermonomer linkages in lignin or within the lignin-carbohydrate complex in the plant cell wall.44454647

Where is Syringaresinol commonly found?
What are the properties of Syringaresinol?
What are the health benefits of Syringaresinol?
How is Syringaresinol extracted from plants?
What is the chemical structure of Syringaresinol?
Is Syringaresinol used in any pharmaceutical products?

Syringaresinol in different species1

Syringaresinol发现 该化合物在不同植物中发现,纯度各异。

Aquilarinensides A-E discovery2

新化合物发现 热带植物叶片中发现九种新的苯并苯酮糖苷。

Syringaresinol from Leptadenia arborea3

抑制AChE效果 从Leptadenia arborea中分离的Syringaresinol显示抑制作用。

Root cut inoculation4

根切接种 植物在Murashige和Skoog培养基上生长后进行根切接种。

SYR-EPO preparation5

SYR-EPO制备 从Syringaresinol制备可再生的双环氧化物。

Syringaresinol formation6

Syringaresinol形成 可能由两分子的sinapyl alcohol偶联形成。

Leptadenia arborea (Asclepiadaceae)3

Syringaresinol Discovery Syringaresinol was first identified in this plant, demonstrating AChE inhibitory effect.


Syringaresinol Discovery Syringaresinol is found in different plant species with varying enantiomeric purity.

