
清华大学的别称包括“五道口职业技术学院”、“五道口男子职业技术学院”、“五道口理工学院”等。 别称由来 地理位置**:清华大学位于北京市海淀区五道口,因此得名“五道口职业技术学院”。 男女比例**:由于清华大学以理工科为主,男女比例失衡,因此有“五道口男子职业技术学院”的别称。 学科特色**:清华大学以工程技术见长,故有“五
清华大学学费标准因学生类别和项目不同而有所差异。 本专科生学费 学费标准**:不超过5000元/生.学年,符合国内重点大学一般水平。 硕士生学费 招生要求**:包括推荐免试和普通招考两种形式,涉及申请条件、报名方式、复试程序、录取标准等。 学费标准**:2023级国际研究生各类项目学费标准按学科类型及名称区分,部分项目
请翻译以下句子为中文,并且说明语法和句子成分,预测清华大学新传考研可能会考的单词:President Xi Jinping has said that China's democracy has enriched the theory and practice of democracy in the world, while urging constant efforts to uphold, improve and run the system of people's congresses effectively to develop whole-process people's democracy. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the statement on Saturday while delivering an important speech at a meeting to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the National People's Congress in Beijing. The NPC is China's highest organ of State power. The inaugural session of the first NPC was held in September 1954. People exercise State power through the NPC, the country's top legislature, and local people's congresses at different levels, ensuring their interests and will are reflected in the decision-making process. Xi said the establishment of this system marked a profound transformation in China's political landscape, signifying a shift from a system where the power was concentrated in the hands of a few while the majority faced oppression and exploitation, to one that empowers the people to govern the country as its masters. He noted that the system of people's congresses is an important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people's democracy in China. The system is conducive to safeguarding the people's exercise of democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and supervision according to law, managing State affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, and social affairs through various means and forms in accordance with the law, he added. Xi said that it has effectively overcome the phenomenon in some countries where the people have formal but not actual power, and where there are endless promises made during elections followed by no accountability afterwards. Noting that democracy is a common value of humanity, Xi emphasized that the great achievements made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC in developing people's democracy have contributed Chinese wisdom and solutions to global democracy. Recalling the past 70 years, Xi said that the system of people's congresses has provided an important institutional guarantee for creating miracles of fast economic growth and long-term social stability. He called for continuous efforts to better uphold, improve and run the system to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Constitution, calling people's congresses at all levels to play their leading role in legislation, with more focus on key, emerging and foreign-related fields. Efforts should also be increased by people's congresses in the oversight of both the Party and the country to ensure that all State organs exercise their power in accordance with the law and that the legitimate rights and interests of the people are safeguarded and realized, he said. People's congresses should put the people first, maintaining close ties with the people and listening to their suggestions, he said, urging deputies to people's congresses, as the bridge between the people and the nation, to expand content and forms to connect with the people. Huang Lixin, chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People's Congress, said: "Whole-process people's democracy has improved the quality of people's life and also promoted the megacity governance. "While giving strong support to the renovation of old urban areas and the protection of elderly and children through legislation, we've also beautified the environment by rule of law, and established stations to help residents participate in lawmaking," she added
请翻译以下句子为中文,并且说明语法和句子成分,预测清华大学新传考研可能会考的单词:President Xi Jinping has said that China's democracy has enriched the theory and practice of democracy in the world, while urging constant efforts to uphold, improve and run the system of people's congresses effectively to develop whole-process people's democracy.
句子翻译: 习近平主席表示,中国的民主丰富了世界民主的理论和实践,同时敦促不断努力,坚持、完善和有效运行人民代表大会制度,发展全过程人民民主。 语法和句子成分分析 主语**: President Xi Jinping 谓语**: has said 宾语**: that China's democracy has enr
孙文静教授在清华大学生命科学学院的研究成果显著,主要集中在环境岩土工程和非饱和土力学理论与工程应用方面。 她的研究方向包括固体废弃物资源化利用,涉及固废储能、固废滤波及固废吸碳材料的研发与应用。 主要研究成果 科研项目**:主持国家自然科学基金项目(4项)、上海市“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目及企业委托等科研项目20余项。 学术
sun wenjing "tsinghua university"
孙文静是清华大学的重要成员。 教育与研究 教育背景**:孙文静拥有清华大学学士学位和美国哈佛大学博士学位。 研究领域**:主要从事量子模拟算法、量子科学计算和量子机器学习等领域的研究。 职业经历 职位**:现任清华大学助理教授。 科研经历**:自2024年起担任清华大学丘成桐数学中心的助理教授,专注于前沿量子技