
当小学生在学校遇到挫折产生消极情绪时,心理教师可以通过运用心理咨询中的倾听技术给予支持。倾听技术是心理咨询的基础,通过有效的倾听,教师可以帮助学生表达和理解自己的情绪,从而缓解消极情绪。 🎧 有效倾听 专注与耐心**:心理教师应保持耐心,给予学生充分的时间和空间来表达自己的感受。例如,当学生因为考试成绩不理想而感到沮丧时,教师可以通过点头、
走出自我内耗的7个超实用方法。 🧠内耗认知 心累耗能:精神内耗如同身体劳累,消耗能量更大。 🎯方法一 发展兴趣:培养兴趣爱好,避免生活单调无趣。 🎯方法二 改变与放弃:能改变的尽力改变,无法改变的果断放弃。 🎯方法三 认知调适:通过认知自我内耗,了解常见表现,掌握应对策略。
1. (填空题) Here is a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. The Art of Friendship   A) One evening a few years ago I found myself in an anxiety. Nothing was really wrong my family and I were healthy, my career was busy and successful -- I was just feeling vaguely down and in need of a friend who could raise my spirits, someone who would meet me for coffee and let me rant until the clouds lifted. I dialed my best friend, who now lives across the country in California, and got her voicemail. That's when it started to dawn on me -- lonesomeness was at the root of my dreariness. My social life had dwindled to almost nothing, but somehow until that moment I'd been too busy to notice. Now it hit me hard. My old friends, buddies since college or even childhood, know everything about me; when they left, they had taken my context with them.   B) Research has shown the long-range negative consequences of social isolation on one's health. But my concerns were more short-term. I needed to feel understood right then in the way that only a girlfriend can understand you. I knew it would be wrong to expect my husband to replace my friends: He couldn't, and even if he could, to whom would I then complain about my husband? So I resolved to acquire new friends -- women like me who had kids and enjoyed rolling their eyes at the world a little bit just as I did. Since I'd be making friends with more intention than I'd ever given the process, I realized I could be selective, that I could in effect design my own social life. The down side, of course, was that I felt pretty frightened.   C) After all, it's a whole lot harder to make friends in midlife that it is when you’re younger -- a fact woman I've spoken with point out again and again. As Leslie Danzig, 41, a Chicago theater director and mother, sees it, when you're in your teens and 20s, you're more or less friends with everyone unless there's a reason not to be. Your college roommate becomes your best pal at least partly due to proximity. Now there needs to be a reason to be friends. "There are many people I'm comfort-able around, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them friends. Comfort isn't enough to sustain a real friendship," Danzig says.   D) At first, finding new companions felt awkward. At 40 I couldn't run up to people the way my4-year-old daughters do in the playground and ask, "Will you be my friend? Every time you start anew relationship, you're vulnerable again," agrees Kathleen Hall, D Min, founder and CEO of the Stress Institute, in Atlanta. "You're asking, 'Would you like to come into my life?' It makes us self-conscious."   E) Fortunately, my discomfort soon passed. I realized that as a mature friend seeker my vulnerability risk was actually pretty low. If someone didn't take me up on my offer, so what: I wasn't in junior high, when I might have been rejected for having the wrong clothes or hair. At my age I have amassed enough self-esteem to realize that I have plenty to offer.   F) We're all so busy, in fact, that mutual interests -- say, in a project, class, or cause that we already make time for -- become the perfect catalysts for bringing us in contact with candidates for camaraderie. Michelle Mertes, 35, a teacher and mother of two in Wausau, Wisconsin, says anew friend she made at church came as a pleasant surprise. "In high school I chose friends based on their popularity and how being part of their circle might reflect on me. Now it's our shared values and activities that count." Mertes says her pal, with whom she organized the church's youth programs, is nothing like her but their drive and organizational skills make them ideal friends.   G) Happily, as awkward as making new friends can be, self-esteem issues do not factor in -- or if they do, you can easily put them into perspective. Danzig tells of the mother of a child in her son's pre-school, a tall, beautiful woman who is married to a big-deal rock musician. "I said to my husband, she's too cool for me,'" she jokes. "I get intimidated by people. But once I got to know her, she turned out to be pretty laid-back and friendly." In the end there was no chemistry between them, so they didn't become good pals. "I realized that we weren't each other's type, but it wasn't about hierarchy." What midlife friendship is about, it seems, is reflecting the person you've become (or are still becoming) back at yourself, thus reinforcing the progress you've made in your life.   H) Harlene Katzman, 41, a lawyer in New York City, notes that her oldest friends knew her back when she was less sure of herself. As much as she l
A) One evening a few years ago I found myself in an anxiety. Nothing was really wrong my family and I were healthy, my career was busy and successful -- I was just feeling vaguely
情绪稳定性是人格心理学中评判人格特质的重要指标。 🔍 定义 情绪稳定性指个体情绪状态随外界或内部条件变化而波动的情况。情绪稳定的人不易受一般情景影响,能较好控制情绪;而情绪不稳定的人则易受小事影响,情绪波动大。 🧬 产生因素 生物学因素**:包括遗传、生化、神经内分泌、脑结构与功能、疾病等。 心理学因素**:与体力、情
急性应激障碍(ASD)的发病人群包括那些直接或间接经历了创伤性事件的个体。这些创伤性事件可能包括但不限于: 死亡威胁:个体可能直接面临生命威胁,或者目睹他人处于生命危险之中。 严重损伤:个体自身遭受严重身体伤害,或目睹他人受到严重伤害。 性侵犯:个体经历性侵犯或性暴力,或目击此类事件。 此外,ASD的发病人群不局
大学生常见心理问题引言 大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们正处于青春期的成长阶段,面临着学业、人际关系、就业等多方面的压力。这些压力往往会引发各种心理问题,如抑郁、焦虑、人际关系紧张等。据权威调查显示,约24.6%的当代大学生存在不同程度的心理健康问题,这些问题如果得不到及时有效的解决,可能会对大学生的学习、生活乃至生命健康造成严重影响。因此,深入研究大学生常见
忘记受挫的感情经历并非必要。 调整心态 忙碌生活**:通过让自己忙碌起来,可以减少对过去感情的过度关注。 时间治愈**:时间是治愈情感创伤的良药,随着时间的推移,情感的伤痛会逐渐减轻。 心理韧性**:提高心理韧性,通过运动、社交等活动来缓解心理压力。 重新定位 自我认知**:重新审视自我认知,明确自己在感情中的
阳光心态与心理减压是两个密切相关的概念,它们在帮助人们应对压力、提升生活质量方面发挥着重要作用。 阳光心态 阳光心态是一种积极、乐观的心理状态,它鼓励人们以正面的态度面对生活中的挑战和困难。阳光心态的内涵包括勇敢、挑战、自由自在等特质,它有助于人们在面对压力时保持积极的情绪和心态。例如,于焕新老师在《阳光心态与心理减压》课件中提到,阳光心态的人会真实
公认的好孩子却被小额贷利滚利滚的遍体鳞伤,这是一个令人痛心的现象。这种情况的出现,反映出了当前金融市场上存在的一些问题。 首先,小额贷款的利率通常较高,对于一些缺乏金融知识和风险意识的孩子来说,很容易被高额的利息所困扰,陷入无法自拔的境地。此外,一些不良贷款公司通过各种手段诱导他们借贷,如预先扣除利息、打双倍借条、虚假双倍借款流水等方式,使得这些孩子难以看
当你总是觉得自己不如别人时,这可能是自卑情绪的表现。以下是几个建议来帮助你建立自信、消除自卑感: 建立自信的具体方法之一是挑前面的位子坐。无论是在教学还是在其他场合,尝试选择更前面的位置,这样可以让你更加自信地参与并展现自己。记住,你是世界独一无二的,没有任何人可以替代你。 尝试接受自己的不完美。每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,没有人是完美的。关注
针对独处时出现的莫名情绪问题,可以从以下几个方面入手解决: 了解自己的独处偏好和需要:首先评估自己是否有独处偏好,有些人喜欢独处,觉得它是愉快的、有成效的,但也有人觉得独处是不愉快的、没有成效的(Burger,1995)。了解自己的偏好,再合理安排自己的独处时间。 寻求社会支持:拥有“重要他人”的支持关系对独处者而言非常重要,他们可以是家人或值
如果你每天都活得很压抑,你可以尝试以下方法: 进行一次旅行:心理压抑太久可能会使心理变得扭曲,所以在压抑的时候要学会释放自己。旅行能让你看到不同的人和事,美景还能让你有视觉上的享受,这样能开阔心境,就不会经常去想不开心的事了。 适当地发泄:不开心的事情不要压抑在心里,可以痛快地哭一场,或者与信任的朋友倾诉,把心里的不快都排解出来
压力和焦虑抑郁是不同的心理状态,但它们之间有密切的联系。 🧠心理状态 压力:是遇到困难引发的担忧或精神紧张状态,对身心皆有影响。 焦虑抑郁:是两种不同的心理健康疾病,通常会同时发生,也可能相互影响。 🔗联系与区别 联系:压力可以引发焦虑和抑郁,而焦虑和抑郁患者通常也会经历压力。 区别:压力是一种暂时的反
抑郁症相关的学术报告或期刊包括《Journal of Affective Disorders》、《Depression and Anxiety》和《中华精神科杂志》。 📚期刊介绍 Journal of Affective Disorders**: 发表情感障碍相关研究,涵盖抑郁症、躁狂症等主题。 Depression and An
学生心理健康摸底排查表用于收集学生心理健康信息,帮助教育机构及时发现和干预潜在问题。 📋排查内容 学习状况**:包括学习困难、倦怠等。 生活状况**:如适应情况、人际关系等。 情绪状况**:平稳、浮躁、沉闷等。 📅排查时间 2024年8月30日—9月6日**:面向2020-2023级学生进行心理健康测评
心理委员分享会的意义在于促进心理委员间的交流与学习,提升他们的工作能力和专业水平,从而更好地守护和引导学生的心理健康。 🌟交流学习 经验分享**:通过分享会,心理委员可以吸收借鉴优秀工作经验,提升自身工作能力。 技能提升**:分享会帮助心理委员掌握心理问题识别技巧和危机干预方法,增强实践能力。 🧠职责明确 定位
心理委员在大学班级中扮演着至关重要的角色,他们的职责不仅是关注和维护同学们的心理健康,更是促进整个班级的心理和谐与成长。心理委员的职责包括但不限于:积极宣传心理健康知识,组织相关活动,及时发现和报告同学的心理问题,以及提供必要的支持和帮助。 首先,心理委员应积极学习和宣传心理健康知识,通过组织讲座、讨论会等活动,提高同学们对心理健康的认识和重视。其次,心理