
仅退款大逆转 多家电商平台调整
淘宝“仅退款”策略调整 策略变动**:淘宝于7月26日宣布将优化“仅退款”策略,依据新版体验分提升商家售后自主权,减少或取消对优质店铺的售后干预。 实施时间**:相关策略将于8月9日起正式实施。 目的**:旨在平衡商家和顾客的利益,让评分较高的商家在面对仅退款时有更多选择权。 其他平台**:继拼多多推出“仅退款”后,淘
Read the following questions and choose the most proper answer. (4 points per question) 1.Have you _______gone skydiving? a.could b. been c. ever d. done 2.What time _______________ your mother leave work on Thursdays? a.do b. is c. are d. does 3. Did Sayaka ______________ her vacation? a.enjoying b. enjoy c. enjoyed d. enjoys 4.All ______________ under this Refund/Exchange Policy must be followed in order to be granted a full refund. a.requirements b. model c. essential d. necessary Fill in the below blank with the most proper synonyms (4 points per question) 1.Compensate ______________ 2.Transaction ______________ 3.Discount ______________ 4.Rotate ______________ 5.Capacity ______________ 6.Comprehension ______________ Translate the following statement from English to Chinese. (10 point per question) 1.Full Refund may include full cash refund, exchange of products, or store credits. All refunds will only be issued via the original form of payment. Original shipping costs will be deducted from any refund amount except in the case of Defective Product. 2.When the Refund Product was purchased together with other Products that resulted in a bundle discount, the bundle discount will be immediately void upon refund. The discount amount of other Products will be revoked and deducted from the refund amount You ultimately receive. This policy applies to any kind of bundle discounts including but not limited to gift cards, free gifts, quantity purchase etc. Read the following article and summarize in one paragraph (No more than 6 sentences) (20 Points) Life without Money Successful business man, Roy, worried about the destruction people were doing to the environment. He worried about all the things people bought and thought that people acquire more than they needed. He felt that people become slaves to their possessions and that their greed blinded them from seeing the important things in life. Roy thought that a life without possessions was the key to achieve true happiness. Determined to test his theory, Roy quit his job, sold his house, and decided to live for a year without buying anything. He moved into the forest and built a humble shelter out of branches and moss. He found a neighboring farm and made an agreement with the farm owner—Roy would farm the land and use a portion of the vegetables he harvested as payment for use. He spent his time gathering fire wood and hunting small animals using a bow and arrow he chiseled himself. He made his own toothpaste from tree roots and seeds. He used his knowledge of the vegetation around him to heal any ailments that afflicted him. He was entirely self-reliant. After 12 months, he emerged from the forest a healthier and happier man. His theory proved true and from that point on, his perspective on life was never the same. Answer: Response the customer in proper email format (20 Points) Email from customer: Dear Sir/Madam Very disappointed in this product I purchased it and it as damaged my little 3 old daughters leg though they would have sensors on them I've have contacted a lawyer about this but I really would like to. Resolve it the easy way. Best, John Answer:
Questions: b. been d. does c. enjoyed a. requirements Synonyms: Compensate - Reimburse Transaction - Deal Discount - Reduction Rotate - Revolve 5
课程费用与硬件退还问题 费用扣除与硬件退还**:通常情况下,课程费用一旦扣除,表明服务或商品已经提供。如果课程取消或退款,通常只涉及课程本身,而不涉及已提供硬件的退还问题。 针对您的问题,可能存在以下几种情况: 课程调整或取消:如果是因为课程调整或取消,通常只涉及课程费用的退还,而不涉及硬件的退还,除非硬件是课程的必需品,且退
申请美团退款的方式如下: 打开美团APP,点击底部的“订单”。 进入订单界面,选择需要申请退款的订单点击进入详情页。 在订单详情页,点击“申请售后”按钮。 点击“申请退款”,并选择退款原因。 (可选)上传相关截图或证明。 提交申请,等待审核。 请注意,已完成的美团订单也可以申请退款。退款方式和审核时间可能因订单类型和商
取消爱奇艺自动续费的方法有多种,具体取决于你的支付方式和设备。 如果你使用的是非IOS支付,可以登录爱奇艺官网,进入VIP会员页面,在自动续费管理选项中选择取消自动续费。对于电脑端用户,操作步骤包括进入爱奇艺官网、登录会员账号、点击VIP会员、在自动续费管理页面取消自动续费。 如果你是通过苹果设备使用iTunes支付开通的自动续费,需要在Apple ID
乒乓球课退费与沟通策略 了解退费政策**:首先,需要了解培训机构的退费政策。如果因校方原因导致无法完成学习计划,学生有权要求退费。提供了法律分析,指出如果协商不成,可以收集证据并诉诸法律途径。 与老师沟通**:如果决定不参加乒乓球课,应主动与老师沟通。可以表达自己的困难或原因,如学业压力或其他个人原因。 提出退费申请**:根据
如果已经签署了加盟合同并支付了加盟费,但现在不想继续加盟,是否能够退还加盟费需要依据具体情况而定。 首先,你可以与加盟公司协商解除合同并尝试退还加盟费。如果双方能够达成一致,那么加盟费有可能被退还。 其次,如果加盟合同中规定了关于解除合同和退还加盟费的条款,应当依据合同中的约定来处理。 另外,根据商业特许经营管理条例规定,加盟商在冷静期内可以无条件解除
Steam游戏的退款方法主要基于Steam的退款政策进行。退款政策规定,购买时间不超过14天且游戏时间不超过2小时的游戏可以申请全额退款。以下是详细的退款步骤: 登录Steam账户:访问Steam官网,使用账号登录Steam平台。 进入账户明细:在Steam平台主页里,点击右上角的账户明细按钮,进入账户明细页面。 浏览消费记录:在账户明细
10 岁男孩、主播、刷礼物、打赏、14 万元、平台拒退、
10岁男孩小州在母亲不知情的情况下,使用母亲手机在短视频平台打赏主播共计14万元,其母亲尝试追回款项但未获法院全额支持。 案件概述 未成年人打赏行为**:10岁男孩小州在母亲不知情的情况下,使用母亲手机在短视频平台进行打赏。 平台拒绝退款**:小州母亲在发现打赏行为后,向平台申请退款,但因二次打赏行为,平台拒绝全额退款。 法院
提交退票申请后,退款一般会在1~15个工作日内到账^^。但具体到账时间可能会受到多种因素的影响,如账户错误、银行处理速度等^^。 此外,铁路会将退款的信息实时传给银行,但银行是否实时将退款到账,建议咨询发卡行客服^^。 以上内容仅供参考,如果长时间未收到退款,建议联系相关部门客服进行咨询。 铁路退票退款会退还到哪个账户? 铁路退票退款会退还至原