
We’re not going. We can’t ( ) it.
填空题 答案**:do 解释**:根据提供的语境和语法规则,"can't" 后面需要跟动词原形,而"it"在这里指代前文提到的活动或行为。因此,"do"是合适的动词原形,符合语法要求。
英国工党面临 156 亿英镑的税收“空缺”需要填补
英国工党在赢得大选后,确实面临着财政上的挑战。根据路透社的报道,英国智库Resolution Foundation指出,尽管前首相特拉斯的减税计划已经有所调整,英国政府仍面临着400亿英镑(约合460亿美元)的预算缺口。这个数字与您提到的156亿英镑不符,但确实表明了工党政府需要解决的财政问题。 这个预算缺口可能会影响到工党政府的一些计划和承诺,包括增加公
当前经济面临的十大重要问题主要包括扩大内需、产业体系现代化、外资吸引、经济金融风险防范、国际局势影响、国内经济恢复、政策准备、能源安全、大宗商品价格波动和粮食安全问题。 扩大内需与产业现代化 扩大内需**:当前经济运行中总需求不足是突出矛盾,需要通过加快建设现代化产业体系来练好内功、站稳脚跟。 产业体系现代化**:我国拥有世界上最完
用中文完成下列英语阅读理解:When the right person is holding the right job at the right moment, that person'sinfluence is greatly expanded, That is the position in which Janet Yellen, who is expected tobe confirmed as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)in January, now findsherself, If you believe, as many do, that unemployment is the major economic and socialconcern of our day, then it is no streteh to think Yellen is the most powerful person in theworld right now. Throughout the 2008 financial crisis and the recession and recovery that followed.central banks have taken on the role of stimulators of last resort, holding up the globaleconomy with vast amounts of money in the form of asset buying. Yellen, previously a fedwice chair, was one of the principal architects of the Fed's $ 3.8 trillion money dump. A stareconomist known for her groundbreaking work on labor markets, Yellen was a kind ofprophetess early on in the crisis for her warnings about the subprime(次级偾的)meltdown. Now it will be her job to get the Fed and the markets out of the biggest and mostunconventional monetary program in history without derailing the fragile recovery.The good news is that Yellen, 67, is particularly well suited to meet these challenges.She has a keen understanding of financial markets, an appreciation for their imperfectionsand a strong belief that human suffering is more related to unemployment than anything else.Some experts worry that Yellen will be inclined to chase unemployment to the neglect ofinflation, But with wages still relatively flat and the economy increasingly divided betweenthe well-off and the long-term unemployed, more people worry about the opposite.deflation(通货繁缩)that would aggravate the cconomy's problems. Either way, the incoming Fed chief will have to walk a fine line in slowly ending thestimulus. It must be steady enough to deflate bubbles(去测洣) and bring markets backdown to earth but not so quick that it creates another credit crisis. Unlike many past Fed leaders, Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry'sargument that it should be left alone to regulate itself. She knows all along the Fed has beentoo slaek on regulation of finance. Yellen is likely to address the issue right after she pushes unemployment below 6% .stabilizes markets and makes sure that the recovery is more inclusive and robust, AsPrinceton Professor Alan Blinder says, “She's smart as a whip, deeply logical, willing to argue but also a good listener, She can persuade without creating hostility." All those traitswill be useful as the global economy's new power player takes on its most annoyingproblems. 51, What do many people think is the biggest problem facing Janet Yellen? A)lack of money.C)Unemployment. B)Subprime crisis. D)Social instability. 52, What did Yellen help the Fed do to tackle the 2008 financial crisis? A)Take effective measures to curb inflation. B)Deflate the bubbles in the American economy. C)Formulate policies to help financial institutions. D)Pour money into the market through asset buying. 53, What is a greater concern of the general publie? A)Recession.C)inequality. B)Deflation. D)income. 54, What is Yellen likely to do in her position as the Fed chief?A) Reiorm the credit system.B)Restore publie confidenee, C)Tighten financial regulation. D)Develop a new monetary program. 55, How does Alan Blinder portray Yellen? A)She possesses strong persuasive power, B)She has confidence in what she is doing. C) She is one of the world's greatest cconomists. D) She is the most powerful Fed chief in history.
许多人认为珍妮特·耶伦面临的最大问题是: C) 失业。 耶伦帮助美联储应对2008年金融危机的做法是: D) 通过资产购买向市场注入资金。 公众更担心的问题是: B) 通货紧缩。 耶伦作为美联储主席可能采取的行动是: C) 加强金融监管。 艾伦·布林德对耶伦的描述是: A) 她具有强大的说服力。 **珍
完成下列英语阅读理解:When the right person is holding the right job at the right moment, that person'sinfluence is greatly expanded, That is the position in which Janet Yellen, who is expected tobe confirmed as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)in January, now findsherself, If you believe, as many do, that unemployment is the major economic and socialconcern of our day, then it is no streteh to think Yellen is the most powerful person in theworld right now. Throughout the 2008 financial crisis and the recession and recovery that followed.central banks have taken on the role of stimulators of last resort, holding up the globaleconomy with vast amounts of money in the form of asset buying. Yellen, previously a fedwice chair, was one of the principal architects of the Fed's $ 3.8 trillion money dump. A stareconomist known for her groundbreaking work on labor markets, Yellen was a kind ofprophetess early on in the crisis for her warnings about the subprime(次级偾的)meltdown. Now it will be her job to get the Fed and the markets out of the biggest and mostunconventional monetary program in history without derailing the fragile recovery.The good news is that Yellen, 67, is particularly well suited to meet these challenges.She has a keen understanding of financial markets, an appreciation for their imperfectionsand a strong belief that human suffering is more related to unemployment than anything else.Some experts worry that Yellen will be inclined to chase unemployment to the neglect ofinflation, But with wages still relatively flat and the economy increasingly divided betweenthe well-off and the long-term unemployed, more people worry about the opposite.deflation(通货繁缩)that would aggravate the cconomy's problems. Either way, the incoming Fed chief will have to walk a fine line in slowly ending thestimulus. It must be steady enough to deflate bubbles(去测洣) and bring markets backdown to earth but not so quick that it creates another credit crisis. Unlike many past Fed leaders, Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry'sargument that it should be left alone to regulate itself. She knows all along the Fed has beentoo slaek on regulation of finance. Yellen is likely to address the issue right after she pushes unemployment below 6% .stabilizes markets and makes sure that the recovery is more inclusive and robust, AsPrinceton Professor Alan Blinder says, “She's smart as a whip, deeply logical, willing to argue but also a good listener, She can persuade without creating hostility." All those traitswill be useful as the global economy's new power player takes on its most annoyingproblems. 51, What do many people think is the biggest problem facing Janet Yellen? A)lack of money.C)Unemployment. B)Subprime crisis. D)Social instability. 52, What did Yellen help the Fed do to tackle the 2008 financial crisis? A)Take effective measures to curb inflation. B)Deflate the bubbles in the American economy. C)Formulate policies to help financial institutions. D)Pour money into the market through asset buying. 53, What is a greater concern of the general publie? A)Recession.C)inequality. B)Deflation. D)income. 54, What is Yellen likely to do in her position as the Fed chief?A) Reiorm the credit system.B)Restore publie confidenee, C)Tighten financial regulation. D)Develop a new monetary program. 55, How does Alan Blinder portray Yellen? A)She possesses strong persuasive power, B)She has confidence in what she is doing. C) She is one of the world's greatest cconomists. D) She is the most powerful Fed chief in history.
The correct answer is C) Unemployment. The passage states that "if you believe, as many do, that unemployment is the major economic and social concern of our day, then it is no
据《金融时报》报道,去年英国有近 300 万人陷入财务困境
英国财务困境现状 根据《金融时报》报道,去年英国有近300万人面临财务困境,这一数字反映了英国经济和社会面临的挑战。 财务困境原因分析 生活成本上升**:随着生活成本的增加,越来越多的家庭和个人感受到经济压力。 通胀影响**:通胀导致物价上涨,四分之一的英国人在财务上陷入困境,较2022年初有明显增加。 盈利预警
尽管美国国内存在严重的贫富差距和社会问题,但仍有很多人向往美国并支持其继续主导国际秩序的原因可能有以下几点: 美国的经济实力和国际地位:尽管存在贫困问题,但美国仍然是世界上最富裕、最强大的国家之一。其经济实力、科技水平、军事实力等方面都处于全球领先地位,这使得许多人认为美国在国际事务中具有重要的作用和影响力。 美国的文化吸引力:美国的文化、价值
越南经济活力强,但存在重工业基础薄弱和出口商品附加值低的问题。 中越贸易额持续增长,但需关注贸易摩擦和RCEP协定带来的影响。 越南吸引外资优势明显,但需注意宏观经济稳定性和劳动力竞争力。 推动中越经贸关系发展,需加强务实合作和提升合作质量。 越南经济特点 经济活力**:越南是东盟中最具活力的经济体之一,GDP增速和出口额增速
香港老明星生活困难的原因主要包括高生活成本、收入不稳定和缺乏理财规划。 生活成本高昂 高房价压力**:香港地少人多,房价极高,许多明星即使收入不错,也难以负担高昂的居住成本。 收入不稳定 演艺圈竞争激烈**:随着年龄的增长,一些明星可能面临工作机会减少,导致收入不稳定。 TVB工资低**:有报道指出,香港电视广播有
通胀和税收政策对加拿大人的影响。 税收政策与通胀 税收政策调整**:通胀影响下,加拿大的税收政策和福利金额会有所调整,以适应经济变化。 投资税收抵免**:政府计划提供重大投资税收抵免,以促进经济增长和创造就业。 通胀率控制 央行目标**:加拿大央行通过调整利率,目标是将通胀率控制在1%至3%之间。 通胀率变化*
🌍 苏联的成立与扩张 📜 苏联的起源与建立 社会主义革命**:苏联是由沙皇俄国的社会主义革命建立的,成为世界上首个社会主义国家。 领土与加盟国**:苏联的形成过程分为三个阶段,从1921年到1944年,逐渐扩大了自己的领土和加盟国。 🗺️ 苏联的领土与边界 边界变化**:苏联的边界变化受到多种因素的影响,包括
阿根廷近 12 年来首次实现月度财政盈余,高通胀、高贫困率等诸多经济问题仍待解,哪些信息值得关注?
阿根廷近12年来首次实现月度财政盈余,同时面临着高通胀和高贫困率等经济问题,以下值得关注的信息有: 一、财政盈余情况 阿根廷今年1月实现了5184.08亿比索的财政盈余。 这是财政收入减去公共债务利息后的结果。 财政盈余达5184.1亿比索,约合6.2亿美元。 二、现有经济问题 高通胀:通胀率仍处于较高水平,可能对居民生活和经
拜登政策对经济的影响存在争议。 经济政策影响 经济复苏推动**:拜登推行的财政扩张和基建投资有助于美国经济复苏。 贫富分化减少**:其财政支出核心反映民主党减少社会贫富分化的诉求。 产业政策特征**:政府主导结合私人资本参与,促进经济发展。 政策争议 经济负担问题**:有观点认为拜登政策可能导致经济负担加重,影响
苏联解体的原因复杂且多样,涉及到政治、经济、社会和文化等多个方面。 一、历史背景 苏联成立于1922年,由多个共和国联合而成,自成立之初就存在着中央与地方之间的权力不平衡问题。 二、原因 政治体制僵化:苏联实行的高度集权的政治体制,使得地方缺乏自主性,民众参与度低。 经济问题:苏联经济模式存在严重问题,农业集体化、工业化进程中的失误以及经
经济因素与离婚 经济压力**:1972年属鼠的人可能会因为经济压力而面临婚姻问题。 事业心重**:属鼠人可能因过于重视事业而忽视家庭,导致感情疏远。 性格特点**:属鼠的人可能因计较小事而产生争吵,影响婚姻稳定。 婚姻经营建议 重视家庭**:属鼠人应更多关注家庭和伴侣,避免因事业忽视家庭生活。 沟
根据题目信息,可以建立两个方程来解决这个问题。 建立方程 设牛奶价格为x元/盒,菠萝包价格为y元/个**。 根据题目描述,我们有以下两个方程: 5x + 3y = 50 8x + 4y = 72 解方程 通过解这两个方程,我们可以找到x和y的值。 首先,我们可以将第一个方程乘以2得到:10x
欧盟将在未来 5-10 年内崩溃
欧盟未来不会崩溃。 欧盟的稳定性 一体化进程**:欧盟作为区域一体化的先行者,其一体化进程是漫长且复杂的,虽然面临挑战,但不会崩溃。 经济前景**:尽管存在经济问题,如希腊危机和大众尾气门事件,但欧盟核心成员国经济前景并非全然堪忧,仍有稳定因素。 政治挑战**:面对极右翼势力的抬头,欧盟展现出应对政治挑战的能力,如法国经济虽不景
日本经济数据造假问题由来已久。 造假行为概述 长期性**:日本国土交通省自2012年起就开始虚报建筑业数据,持续时间长达8年。 影响广泛**:虚报数据被用于计算GDP,可能导致日本GDP数值被夸大。 具体案例分析 2020财年**:公共和私人建筑订单总额约80万亿日元,可能存在虚报。 政府承认**:日本首相岸田