
俄罗斯食品在中国市场畅销,以零污染、零添加剂、纯天然、营养丰富和价格优势等特点受到青睐。 口味需求 安全健康**:俄罗斯食品强调安全和健康,符合江浙沪地区消费者对食品安全的高要求。 天然营养**:纯天然和营养丰富的特点吸引追求健康生活方式的消费者。 价格合理**:具有价格优势的俄罗斯食品满足了对性价比敏感的消费者需求。
国际经济与贸易领域的经典案例分析,为理解和应用相关理论提供了宝贵的实践参考。以下是一些具有代表性的案例: 国际货物买卖合同纠纷案例 要点**: 中化国际(新加坡)有限公司诉蒂森克虏伯冶金产品有限责任公司案。 详细说明: 该案例涉及国际货物买卖合同的法律适用和根本违约的认定,展示了如何在国际贸易中适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》。
广交会,即中国进出口商品交易会,每年举办两届,分为春季和秋季。春季广交会通常在4月中下旬举行,而秋季广交会则在10月中下旬举办。每届广交会又分为三期,每期持续时间大约为5天。 具体来说,春季广交会的各期时间一般安排如下: 第一期:4月15日至19日 第二期:4月23日至27日 第三期:5月1日至5日 秋季广交会的各期时间一般安排如下: 第
Ⅰ. Multiple choice (choose the best answer). 1. When writing a letter to push payments for the first time, it is not be recommended that you ____________. A.require the buyer to give a payment plan B.show your own financial difficulties C.threat to cancel the contract D.remind the buyer to fulfill his obligations 答案: 2. Suppose you were a buyer, you would probably prefer payment by ________ ? A. 30% T/T, 70% against copy of B/L B. 30% T/T, 70% L/C 60 d/s C. 100 % D/A D. 100% D/P 答案: 3. Which of the following payment terms gives the seller maximal protection ________? A.100% L/C at sight B. 100% T/T before shipment C. 30% T/T, 70% sight D/P D. O/A 答案: Ⅱ. Translation(Please give ONLY one answer in the SINGULAR form.) 1. collecting bank 答案: 2. remittance 答案: 3. 汇票 答案: Ⅲ. Proofread the following sentences. Identify the parts which are incorrect, click the incorrect parts and then write down the correct answer on the short lines below. 1. We understand your difficulties and would be glad to help. But our suppliers are pushing us for payment, so we have to persist on your making payment as scheduled. 答案: 2. We regret to say that we have to stick with our usual practice. We sincerely hope that this will not affect our future business relations. 答案: Ⅳ. Arrange the following components of several sentences in correct order. Use punctuations where necessary. The Chinese translations are given. 1. payment easier us increase to would in an business lead between terms(付款条件越简单,我们双方的业务就会增多) 答案: Easier payment terms 2. payment accept you if know our making by can T/T us let please(请告知你方是否能接受我方电汇付款) 答案: Please let us
Ⅰ. Multiple choice (choose the best answer). When writing a letter to push payments for the first time, it is not be recommended that you __. **A. requir
丝绸之路是古代中国与中亚、南亚、欧洲及北非各国进行经济、文化交流的重要通道,是东西方文明与文化融合、交流、对话之路。丝绸之路的起点在西汉时期是长安(今西安),东汉时期起点在洛阳,期间丝绸之路第一次延伸到欧洲。丝绸之路的开辟,是中华文明历史长河中熠熠生辉的一笔,也是整个人类文明史上的一个伟大创举。 丝绸之路的历史意义 文明交流的通道**:丝绸之