
The cost of hydrogen production through PEMWE in China was calculated and forecasted via the collaboration of bottom-up cost analysis, scenario analysis, learning curve method and H2A model. (1) The total cost of hydrogen production in current Scenario 1 is calculated to be 7.26 $/kg, i.e., ~48.6 ¥/kg, with the capital cost of 4450 $/kW for the electrolyzer system. The capital cost and electricity cost account for 47.6% and 34.7% of the total cost, respectively. (2) In the future Scenario 3, the different learning rates on different components of electrolyzer are described to predict the initial capital cost of the electrolyzer system in 2040. Meanwhile, the operating parameters of electrolyzer including voltage and current density are improved and the production scale of a single electrolyzer is magnified. Therefore, the capital cost of electrolyzer system reduces to 812 $/kW and the calculated cost of hydrogen production reduces to 2.60 $/kg. At this moment, the electricity cost with ratio of 56.4% will become the predominant affecting factor. (3) The capital cost, electricity cost, electrolyzer performance, and the production scale of a single electrolyzer contribute to the cost reduction of 71.03%, 21.27%, 6.22% and 1.50% respectively, leading to a reduction of the initial cost of 7.26 $/kg H2 in Scenario 1 to 2.60 $/kg H2 in Scenario 3. (4) When the capital cost is reduced by 10% and 20%, PEMWE hydrogen production cost is reduced from 7.26 $/kg to 6.81 and 6.36 $/kg, respectively. It indicates that the current hydrogen production cost has the declining potential, considering there should be a profit margin of 10–20% for the commercial quotation from PEM electrolyzer manufacturer. (5) The fluctuation of 10% in the electricity cost presents a cost range of hydrogen production between 7.00 $/kg and 7.52 $/kg for Scenario 1 and between 2.45 $/kg and 2.75 $/kg for Scenario 3. (6) The hydrogen production cost of 2.60 $/kg in Scenario 3 will show the advantage when the carbon tax of 78.82 $/t CO2 eq. for coal gasification and 107.48 $/t CO2 eq. for SMR are imposed.


The cost of hydrogen production through PEMWE in China was calculated and forecasted using various methods. In Scenario 1, the total cost is 7.26 /kgwithcapitalandelectricitycostsaccountingfor47.6/kg with capital and electricity costs accounting for 47.6% and 34.7% respectively. In Scenario 3, the cost decreases to 2.60 /kg due to reduced capital cost and improved operating parameters. The reduction in cost is attributed to various factors including capital cost reduction, improved electrolyzer performance, and larger production scale. The cost is also sensitive to changes in capital and electricity costs.

  • Current Scenario 1 Cost: 7.26 $/kg (48.6 ¥/kg)
    • Capital Cost: 4450 $/kW (47.6% of total cost)
    • Electricity Cost: 34.7% of total cost
  • Future Scenario 3 Cost: 2.60 $/kg
    • Capital Cost: 812 $/kW
    • Electricity Cost: 56.4% of total cost
  • Cost Reduction Factors:
    • Capital Cost Reduction: 71.03%
    • Electrolyzer Performance Improvement: 6.22%
    • Larger Production Scale: 1.50%
  • Cost Sensitivity:
    • Capital Cost Reduction of 10% and 20% leads to costs of 6.81 /kgand6.36/kg and 6.36 /kg respectively
    • 10% fluctuation in electricity cost affects cost range from 7.00 /kgto7.52/kg to 7.52 /kg in Scenario 1 and from 2.45 /kgto2.75/kg to 2.75 /kg in Scenario 3

