
19岁大学生兼职送外卖身亡事件 事件概述:8月2日下午,一名19岁兼职外卖员在昆明市五华区学府路海伦先生小区内被脱落的外墙装饰砖砸中,不幸身亡。 相关事件背景 外墙砖脱落问题**:该小区外墙装饰砖块去年也曾脱落,物业曾进行过排查,但具体日期不详。 兼职外卖员现象**:大学生兼职送外卖较为普遍,有的为了挣学费,有的为了挣零花钱
网贷公司爆雷后,业务员是否需要承担责任取决于其在非法集资活动中的具体行为和角色。如果业务员参与了非法集资活动,如涉嫌非法吸收公众存款或诈骗等,他们可能会面临刑事责任。。 具体责任可能包括: 如果业务员明知是非法集资活动而参与,可能构成共犯,需要承担相应的刑事责任。 如果业务员在不知情的情况下参与,但后来发现并继续参与,也可能需要承担一定的责任。 -
立功的认定在中国刑法中是一个重要的刑罚奖励制度,它涉及到犯罪分子在犯罪后的行为表现,这些行为可能对侦破其他案件或司法工作有积极的贡献。根据相关法律规定和司法实践,立功的认定主要依据以下几个方面: 立功的实质条件:立功应当是犯罪分子揭发检举他人犯罪行为经查证属实,或者提供重要线索,从而得以侦破其他案件,或者协助司法机关缉捕其他犯罪分子等其他协助
帮我改好语法错误然后发给我In today’s modern world, thanks to the advances of technology, AI has involved in many aspects of our lives, such as AI painting and Chat.gpt. AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, is a useful and efficient tool in people’s work and life. At the same time, many questions related to AI have occurred. Whether AI will replace people’s job? Who should be responsible if AI breaks the law? Whether AI will become self-aware? These problems can be classified in two ways: ethical and legal, and this essay is going to demonstrate AI’s influences on these two parts. Moral issues related to AI are often discussed. Firstly, AI can replace human’s work. AI has many advantages over human labor, as they can efficiently do repetitive work. Therefore, there is a high likelihood that many workers in the manufacturing industry will be replaced. And because they don't have many other skills and can't find other jobs, their quality of life will decline and it may even be difficult for them to support themselves. Not only does it have an impact on the manufacturing industry, but AI painting, composition, and writing are also rapidly developing, which has influenced many creative workers. Among them, according to a blogger, Henley Wing Chiu, he specifically studied freelance work data on Upwork from November 1, 2022 to February 14, 2024. Since the release of ChatGPT, writing, customer service, and translation work on Upwork have been the most affected, with translation being the most affected. Not only has the number of jobs decreased by 19%, but hourly wages have also decreased by over 20%. (Henly Wing Chiu, February16, 2024 The jobs being replaced by AI) Furthermore, there is a privacy concern. The most basic working principle of AI is to invest a large amount of data to train AI, allowing it to learn and autonomously complete tasks, during this process, people's privacy may be compromised. This will bring some risks, such as people being scammed or having too much of their private lives leaked. Additionally, there is a concern that AI will become self-awareness. Although there is currently no example or evidence of AI generating self-awareness, this issue has always been a concern for people. For example, many science fiction movies have talked about the awakening of AI and the emergence of self-awareness, which can demonstrate how concerned humans are about this issue. Turning to the legal issues related to the use of AI, the most basic problem is that AI has no subjectivity. The extended question is, who is responsible for AI’s wrong or illegal actions? A journal “Ethical and legal responsibility for Artificial Intelligence” written by Patrick Henz (2021) provides an example that, in the Uber’s test of automobiles, a car’s sensor couldn’t identify a pedestrian, and an accident happened. The human co- driver was watching her phone so didn’t react immediately to prevent the accident. At the end, the human driver took all the responsibility and gave the fine. This shows that human have potential legal risks when they don’t fully know about an ai product. Because in advertisement, they can see people reading newspapers when the ai are self- driving, but actually they need to pay attention to the cars while it is driving. These are misleading propaganda and should be governed by law. In addition, whether the works used to train AI are considered infringing is also a big question. Millions of creators' works are being used for free by AI developers to train AI to produce works, such as painting and writing, which has caused great dissatisfaction among creators and led to lawsuits for open AI infringement. In “AI and copyright in 2023: The court” from Copyright Alliance in 2024 Janurary, the writer Rachel Kim provides the examples of many creative professionals filing lawsuits against OpenAI, like Sarah Andersen (artist), Tremblay(writer), Concord Music Group (music publisher) and New York Times (newspaper company). The article mentioned that these cases are still in progress and the litigants provide clear evidence and claims, and these cases are expected to be handled in 2024. To sum up, this essay has examined the potential ethical and legal challenges posed by the development and use of AI. By analyzing recent research and case studies, we have shown that the AI might replace human workers, steal private data and have the risk to be self-awareness. The legal challenge is the copyright ownership of things created by AI and who is legally responsible for AI. Future study could explore more about the solution about these questions and create a better legal system for this. People will get better at managing AI to make our lives better.
In today's modern world, thanks to the advances of technology, AI has become involved in many aspects of our lives, such as AI painting and ChatGPT. AI, which stands for artificial
16. 我国的()主要规定了关于数据电文、电子签名与认证及相关的法律责任? A. 《中华人民共和国宪法》 B. 《中华人民共和国网络空间安全法》 C. 《中华人民共和国电子签名法》 D. 《商用密码管理条例》
根据您提供的信息,我国主要规定了关于数据电文、电子签名与认证及相关的法律责任的法律是《中华人民共和国电子签名法》。 该法律在2004年8月28日由第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过,并在2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议上进行了修订。 此外,联合国电子签名示范法也对电子签名进行了定义,指出电子签名是在数据电文中,
无限责任是指当企业的资产不足以清偿其到期债务时,投资人需要以其个人的全部财产来承担清偿责任的情况。这种责任形式将企业的责任与投资人的责任紧密联系在一起,投资人在企业财产不足以偿还债务时,必须使用其个人财产来偿还债务。具体来说,无限责任的特点包括: 个人财产的连带性:投资人的个人财产与企业责任相连,当企业财产不足以清偿债务时,投资人需用个人财产
故意毁坏财物罪的法律后果 立案追诉条件**:故意毁坏公私财物,造成损失五千元以上或有其他严重情节的,应予立案追诉。 刑罚规定**:数额较大或有其他严重情节的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或罚金;数额巨大或有其他特别严重情节的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。 量刑影响因素**:被告人是否取得被害人或其近亲属的谅解是影响量刑的情节之一。
还呗不还会面临以下后果: 征信记录受损:还呗已经与央行征信系统建立联系,逾期不还的记录会如实上报给央行征信系统,导致个人征信报告留下污点。 产生逾期罚息和违约金:还呗会按天收取逾期罚息和违约金,这些费用会不断增加,使得还款压力加大。 影响个人信用记录及信用评级:逾期不还可能导致信用评级降低,影响个人信用记录,以后办理房贷、车贷等金融服务时
食品安全法第148条是中国《食品安全法》中关于消费者权益保护的重要条款,主要规定了消费者因不符合食品安全标准的食品受到损害时的赔偿责任。以下是该条款的主要内容: 赔偿责任主体:消费者因不符合食品安全标准的食品受到损害的,可以向经营者要求赔偿损失,也可以向生产者要求赔偿损失。 首负责任制:接到消费者赔偿要求的生产经营者,应当实行
删除侵权图片是必要的第一步,但并不能完全免除法律责任。 侵权图片处理 立即删除**:一旦发现图片侵权,应立即删除相关图片。 法律责任**:删除图片仅是承担侵权责任的一部分,不能免除侵权认定和赔偿责任。 后续措施 停止侵害**:除了删除图片,还需停止所有使用侵权图片的行为。 赔偿损失**:根据《著作权法》第四十七
逃税罪法律规定主要涉及纳税人或扣缴义务人通过欺骗、隐瞒手段进行虚假纳税申报或不申报,逃避缴纳税款的行为。具体法律规定如下: 逃税罪定义 逃税行为**:纳税人或扣缴义务人采取欺骗、隐瞒手段,进行虚假纳税申报或不申报。 客观要件 虚假申报**:通过欺骗手段进行虚假的纳税申报。 不申报**:故意不进行纳税申报。
21、根据教师法的规定,有( )情形,由县级以上人民政府教育行政部门撤销其教师资格。(3 分) A、 弄虚作假、骗取教师资格的 B、 品行不良、侮辱学生,影响恶劣的 C、 因疏忽大意而未能完成教学任务的 D、 上课迟到的
刑法上的因果关系是指行为人的行为与危害结果之间的引起和被引起的关系,它是判断行为人是否需要对某一危害结果承担刑事责任的重要依据。在刑法中,判断因果关系通常涉及以下几个方面: 事实因果关系的归因判断:首先要确定行为与结果之间是否存在事实上的联系。这通常采用条件说,即如果行为是结果发生的必要条件,那么可以认为存在事实因果关系。 **法律因
中华人民共和国消防法是规范消防工作、预防火灾、减少火灾危害、加强应急救援工作、保护人身和财产安全、维护公共安全的重要法律。该法律于1998年4月29日通过,并在2008年和2021年分别进行了修订和修正。 消防法的主要内容包括以下几个方面: 总则:明确了消防法的立法宗旨,即预防火灾、减少火灾危害、加强应急救援工作、保护人身和财产安全、维护公
代理权行使的一般要求主要包括以下几点: 亲自行使代理权:代理人应基于被代理人对其知识、技能、信用的信赖,亲自实施代理行为,以符合被代理人的期望。除非得到被代理人的同意,否则代理人不应将代理权转委托给第三方。 在代理权限范围内行使代理权:代理人必须在被授权的范围内进行代理活动,不得擅自扩大或变更代理权限。如果代理人超越或变更了代
正当防卫与紧急避险是两种在特定情况下为了保护合法权益而采取的行为,它们在法律上有着明显的区别: 危害的来源不同:正当防卫中,危害的来源只能是人所实施的不法侵害行为;而紧急避险中,危害的来源则更为广泛,可以包括人的不法侵害行为,也可以是自然灾害、动物的侵袭等。 行为指向的对象不同:正当防卫只能针对不法侵害者本人实施,不能损害没有
建设工程合同法律制度的案例在司法实践中具有重要的指导意义,它们有助于统一裁判尺度,明确法律适用,并为类似案件提供参考。以下是一些与建设工程合同法律制度相关的案例概述: 挂靠施工合同效力问题:在挂靠施工中,如果涉及“施工”和“挂靠”两个不同的法律关系,法院会根据具体情况判断合同的效力。 建设工程规划许可证的效力:如果建设工程未取