
事件概述 7月31日,字节跳动新加坡办事处发生大规模食物中毒事件,近60人住院。 事件详情 时间地点**:事件发生在新加坡当地时间周二下午,字节跳动公司新加坡办事处。 受影响人数**:近60人因食物中毒被送医。 公司回应**:字节跳动发言人表示,公司正与相关部门合作调查,并已采取措施支持受影响员工,包括与紧急服务部门
李子的安全性概述 李子本身无毒,但食用时需注意成熟度和适量。 李子的营养成分与食用价值 成熟李子安全**:成熟的李子味道甜美,酸味较少,适口性好,可以安全食用。 未成熟李子含微毒**:未成熟的李子含有氢氰酸,这是一种微毒物质,过量食用可能导致中毒症状,如头晕、胸闷等。 李子的食用注意事项 避免食用未成熟李
根据《卫生部突发中毒事件卫生应急预案》中的定义,食物中毒事件中毒人数100人以上,并且出现死亡病例,属于重大食品安全事故。 同时,如果一次食物中毒人数超过100人并出现死亡病例,也属于重大食品安全事故。 此外,重大食品安全事故还包括一次发生急性职业中毒50人以上,或死亡5人以上的情况。 这些定义有助于确保对食物中毒事件的严重性进行准确评估,并采取相应的应急措
常见的有毒食物包括多种动植物,它们可能因为本身含有的毒素或食用方法不当而导致食物中毒。以下是一些常见的有毒食物及其相关信息: 有毒动物组织:例如河豚鱼、贝类、动物甲状腺及肝脏等。这些动物组织可能含有对人体有害的毒素。 有毒植物:包括毒覃、木薯、四季豆、发芽马铃薯、山大茴及鲜黄花菜等。这些植物含有的毒素可能在食用后引起中毒。
在餐饮用餐时,顾客可能会遇到的身体健康问题主要包括食品安全、个人卫生、营养不均衡和饮食习惯等方面。 食品安全问题 资质问题**:无证经营现象普遍,小型餐饮店和街头商贩可能存在食品安全隐患。 卫生标准**:需要提高对食品原料、辅料、外观、营养元素等的卫生标准。 个人卫生问题 厨师健康**:厨师应定期体检,遵守个人卫生
在日常生活中,有些食物如果储存或处理不当,可能会产生毒素,导致食物中毒。以下是一些常见的但储存不当会有毒的食物: 豆浆:豆浆中毒主要是因为没煮熟,含有皂素、皂甙、红细胞凝集素及胰蛋白酶抑制物等,可能导致胃部烧灼感、头昏、头痛、恶心和呕吐等症状。预防方法是将豆浆煮沸至无豆腥味,特别是要注意豆浆在80℃时会出现“假沸”现象,此时应继续煮到100℃
食物中毒的实验室检验结果对于确认致病因子、查找污染来源和途径、及时救治患者具有重要作用。具体来说: 确认致病因子:实验室检验可以帮助识别导致食物中毒的具体病原体或毒素,从而为治疗和预防提供依据。 查找污染来源和途径:通过分析样本中的微生物或化学成分,可以追踪到污染的源头,了解污染是如何进入食品供应链的,进而采取措施防止类似事件
孩子喝了带碱的稀饭 第二天起来有点不舒服 有问题吗
孩子喝带碱稀饭后不适 含碱食物影响**:宝宝不宜长期或大量食用含碱食物,如面条、馒头等,因为它们可能破坏食物中的维生素等营养成分。 稀饭加碱问题**:煮稀饭时加碱会破坏淀粉和蛋白质结构,导致维生素等营养成分损失,对宝宝的健康不利。 宝宝肠胃适应性**:宝宝肠胃可能不适应长期食用带碱的稀饭,这可能会影响孩子的发育。 适量
ASSIGNMENT Carefully read the food poisoning breaking news and answer the following questions. CASE 1: 8/11/2023 – A birthday party celebration ended with a tragedy when 15 children (between 3 to 10 years old) were rushed to the hospitals between 7 pm to 11 pm last night, after experiencing severe vomiting. Among those children, two children aged 3.5 years old and 5 years old, have reportedly died several hours after being admitted to the emergency care unit. Another six children (3 to 5 years old) are still receiving intensive medical treatment. The rest of the sick children have recovered and returned home. Foods served in the occasion were the last meal consumed by those affected children. The host have confirmed that fried noodles, fried rice, French fries, tuna sandwich, chicken nuggets, potato salad, chocolate cake, and caramel pudding were home-prepared and served during the occasion. Although the confirmed cause of food poisoning is still under investigation, unaffected children have reported that they did not consume fried rice, tuna sandwich, chicken nuggets, and potato salad, as they were late comers. Five adults were experiencing mild symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain, but none of them required any medical treatments. All affected adults have confirmed that they have consumed both potato salad and fried rice. The rest of the adults did not experience any discomfort after attending the birthday party, which was hosted in a local botanical garden around 11 am to 2 pm yesterday. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CASE 2: 13/9/2023 – Five individuals (between 16 to 67 years old) have been admitted to the hospital due to gastrointestinal illnesses. These patients were among 700 guests of a wedding reception that was held in a local community hall on 11/9/2023. As of this morning, a 58-years old woman and a 67-years old man are undergoing intensive medical treatment. The remaining patients are still recovering from the food poisoning symptoms. Other than hospitalized guests, nearly half of the guests have complained to the family members of the bride that they experienced some sort of food poisoning symptoms including dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Affected guests have confirmed that they consumed satay (chicken skewer), roasted lamb, beef curry, and assorted fresh-cut fruits. However, they did not notice any off-flavor or off-odor upon consumption of foods. The investigation is still ongoing to identify the food source and etiologic agent that is most likely responsible for the food poisoning. For each case: 1. Identify one food that most likely has caused food poisoning. (1 mark) 2. State one etiologic agent that most likely responsible for the food poisoning. (2 mark) 3. Based on answers for Q1 and Q2, elaborate how do you reach the conclusion. (3 mark) 4. Propose two preventive measures to reduce the probability of similar food poisoning cases in the future (4 mark)
CASE 1 1. Likely Food Potato Salad**:受影响的儿童和成人都食用了土豆沙拉,而未受影响的儿童没有食用。 2. Likely Etiologic Agent Bacteria, possibly Staphylococcus aureus**:土豆沙拉是一种高风险食品,因为它含有肉类和
吃了发霉的面包,具体的处理措施取决于进食量以及身体反应。 如果进食的量较少,并且没有感到任何不适,可以继续观察,同时多饮水来中和发霉面包的毒素。但是如果出现恶心、呕吐、腹泻等症状,建议及时就医。 如果吃进去的量比较多,或者发霉的程度较严重,甚至出现了明显的中毒反应,如恶心、腹泻等,那么就需要寻求医疗帮助,可能需要进行催吐、洗胃等治疗。此外,还可以口服抗生
吃了隔夜的肉汤后出现肠胃不适、拉肚子和头晕,可能是由于食物变质或细菌污染引起的。以下是一些建议来缓解症状和治疗: 补充水分和电解质:拉肚子会导致身体失去水分和电解质,可以喝一些淡盐水或口服补液盐来补充。 饮食调整:暂时避免油腻、辛辣和难消化的食物,选择容易消化的食物,如白粥、面条等。 休息:保证充足的休息,让身体有
Fermented food with possible etiologic agents causing food poisoning are listed below. Select the most appropriate combination. a. Sourdough bread - Salmonella, Vibrio vulnificus, Clostridium perfringens b. Ice cream - Bacillus cereus, E. coli, Yersinia spp. c. Strawberry jam - E. coli, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas spp. d. Anchovy - Vibrio spp., Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus e. Cheese - Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, E. coli
米酵菌酸中毒:发酵玉米面制品、变质银耳、糯米、小米、高粱、马铃薯粉等制品。 椰毒假单胞菌酵米面亚种:酸汤子、糯玉米汤圆粉、玉米淀粉、发酵糯小米、吊浆粑、糍粑、醋凉粉、湿米粉等。 发酵豆制品:豆制品发酵过程中可能产生的食物中毒。 其他发酵食品:自制泡菜、酸菜、米酒、腐乳等传统发酵食品,以及自制酸奶、酵素食品等。
下面列出了可能引起食物中毒的发酵食品。 选择最合适的组合。 一 酸面包-沙门氏菌、创伤弧菌、产气荚膜梭菌 b 冰淇淋-蜡样芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、耶尔森菌属。 c 草莓酱-大肠杆菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌属。 d 鳀鱼弧菌、肉毒梭菌、金黄色葡萄球菌 e 奶酪-单核细胞增生李斯特菌、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌
酸面包-沙门氏菌、创伤弧菌、产气荚膜梭菌。 冰淇淋-蜡样芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、耶尔森菌属。 草莓酱-大肠杆菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌属。 鳀鱼弧菌、肉毒梭菌、金黄色葡萄球菌。 奶酪-单核细胞增生李斯特菌、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌。